i did one of the latest bios updates for my mobo what im thinking was a huge mistake on my end. Its a hero VI so i can use the i7 4790k what i have on order right now. anyways Im having problems with my i5 4570. its a 3.2 ghz turbos at 3.6 since the bios update 1603 i see it going at 3.4 max i went back to a slightly older bios because the bios was acting funky. id reset the bios it would read my cpu right .. i start windows id see 3.4 ghz and the bios now sees it turbo 3.4 ghz. with bios 1505 now the bios sees it at 3.6 but windows runs it at 3.4 and the modifier is wrong. supposed to be 100x36 its only doing 98.8 x34 That would account for the problem but How do i fix this i have no real desire to mess with settings to make a locked cpu run properly. is this Hero going to be a pain in the butt? do i really have to fork out extra cash to get a properly working board? It was fine till i decided OK i7 4790k. i mean its 200 mhz but thats 200 im NOT getting. any help would be great. do you think windows is being retarded? It is possible but who knows.