I'm noticing some weird readings from two temperature sensors on my Maximus VI Hero. I was playing GTA5 last night and was initially shocked when I saw two sensors on the board hitting 125°c, the mobo is passively cooled and I'm running a lot of hardware with a slight overclock so I thought I might be pushing the chipset. But after doing some more testing this morning it seems these readings are quite erratic and must either be false or extrapolated incorrectly.
I'm monitoring the board with HWiNFO32 and OpenHardwareMonitor,
here's a snapshot of the graph.
(2,037 × 906, 326.03 KB)At T-0:25 on the graph you can see where the game loads and from 0:23 to 0:18 I drove around ingame. At all other times the system was basically idling so the readings don't make much sense, especially towards T-0.
In fact, I'm not even sure what most of these mobo sensors are monitoring because Asus doesn't seem to have a working monitoring app for my board and windows 10. Any ideas?