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Third board with more woes

Level 11
Got the new board in and more wrinkles to iron out.
1.... USB mouse and keyboard worked in bios but not in windows.
2.....If I set ram to 2133 using AMP profile windows doean't see the sound card.
3.....Can't crossfire two R929-DC2OC's without getting some ugly stuff in the picture. I don't know if it artifact's or not. All (4) power connectors are connected to the board.

Fixed #1 by changing something in the bios about enabling USB full time and enabling UEFI.
# 2 & 3 have me perplexed.

Level 10
See if these help:

1) keep your keyboard and mouse plugged into USB 2.0 ports (not the blue USB 3.0)
2) dumb question on my part maybe but is your memory rated for 2133MHz?
3) what happens if you only run one card? test each card separately in each PCIe slot

So do you have a 1300 Watt PSU? Are all the PCIe power connectors populated on the graphic cards?

I assume you have the EZPlug populated on the motherboard?

Keep us posted on your progress...let's see if the 3rd board is the charm 🙂

For trouble-shooting tips see my blog at:


MB: Crosshair V Formula-Z • CPU: FX-8350 • GPU: Asus Matrix R9 280x • RAM: 8GB of Crucial Ballistix Tactical Tracer (1866)• PSU: Thermaltake DPS Thoughpower 750 Watt • CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Frio Advanced • Keyboard: TT Sports Challanger Ultimate • Mouse: TT Sports Black Element • Case: Thermaltake GT Level 10


See if these help:
1) keep your keyboard and mouse plugged into USB 2.0 ports (not the blue USB 3.0)
They've always been in the USB 2.0 ports (white)

2) dumb question on my part maybe but is your memory rated for 2133MHz?
Yes, it's is rated for 2133 and ran at 2133 in the previous board passing memtest with no probs.

3) what happens if you only run one card? test each card separately in each PCIe slot
Each card works well alone with or without the sound card. It just can't crossrire with botth in any pcie slot combo, with or without the sound card.

So do you have a 1300 Watt PSU? Are all the PCIe power connectors populated on the graphic cards?
Yes, after plugging all of my components into CM's power calculator I saw I was pushing it with 1000 watts so I upped to 1300 watts. And yes again, all line are occupied and lights are green for go.

I assume you have the EZPlug populated on the motherboard?
You assume correctly.

Keep us posted on your progress...let's see if the 3rd board is the charm 🙂
The only thing I haven't tried is unplugging the optional 4pin power for cpu but with the 9590 pulling 220watts I figured I ought to use it. This might be the time to jump to nVidia/intel to keep the heat down(literally).

Level 10

With the 9590 you really should use both the 4 and 8-Pin Aux CPU Power.

Curious if you tried a fresh install of the OS with nothing but drivers installed?

Off chance did you try another PCIe Bridge between the cards? I could suggest a BIOS upgrade/downgrade but I really think issues lie else-ware.

You may have a problem with one of the video cards that isn't a big fan of CFXing...any chance you tested these cards CFXed in another system?

After you try the above options I'm beginning to think you may have yet another bad board. I'm guessing the replacement boards that have been sent are not new?

Sorry you have had such a rough time with this system 😞

For trouble-shooting tips see my blog at:


MB: Crosshair V Formula-Z • CPU: FX-8350 • GPU: Asus Matrix R9 280x • RAM: 8GB of Crucial Ballistix Tactical Tracer (1866)• PSU: Thermaltake DPS Thoughpower 750 Watt • CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Frio Advanced • Keyboard: TT Sports Challanger Ultimate • Mouse: TT Sports Black Element • Case: Thermaltake GT Level 10


Curious if you tried a fresh install of the OS with nothing but drivers installed?
Yes, I did a fresh install when I put the new MB in. Added each component one at a time with new drivers and a reboot between each. Everything works great except X-fire and ram clock. Ram works great @1866, though.

Off chance did you try another PCIe Bridge between the cards? I could suggest a BIOS upgrade/downgrade but I really think issues lie else-ware.
I tried X-fire first then add the sound card after giving up on X-fire.

You may have a problem with one of the video cards that isn't a big fan of CFXing...any chance you tested these cards CFXed in another system?
Both cards work well on this board but not together. They work well separately and crossfired on a Sabertooth R2.

After you try the above options I'm beginning to think you may have yet another bad board. I'm guessing the replacement boards that have been sent are not new?
All three boards came from the same local retailer who's been great to deal with and I have no reason to believe they're not new. Board #1 had a 14xx bios, #2 had 19xx bios and this board has an 18xx bios.

Level 10
Did you have both cards installed when you installed the GPU drivers? Xfire can be a pain and has driver problems. try rolling back the gpu drivers. As pointed out above try a different BIOS.
Speedbird 9590@5.1/CHVFZ/8gb G Skill@2133/ASUS R9-280X all on EK blocks controlled with Aquaero 6 Pro

Goonybird 8350@4.6/GA990FXAUD3/16gb Corsair@1600/Crossfired Sapphire 7990's cooled with CM 240L XSPC res

Did you have both cards installed when you installed the GPU drivers? Xfire can be a pain and has driver problems. try rolling back the gpu drivers. As pointed out above try a different BIOS.

Twas a fresh OS install with only one gpu when I installed the drivers. I'm using the 14.3 beta's like I was one the other board that ran both cards in X-fire well.

Level 15
What slot do you have your sound card in mate? I get the feeling it's playing havoc with your CFX

Sound card is in the last slot at the moment but the board won't crossfire with or without the sound card installed.

Level 10
OK so these cards DO work CFXed in a Sabertooth R2 so at this point I'm going to blame the Crosshair or the OS as I'm running out of options here. The only thing I could suggest is trying CFX using Windows 7 32-Bit just to rule out an OS issue.

Can anyone else chime in there some hardware glitch here or something obvious we are missing?

Also if I remember right your Sabertooth R2 supports PCI 3.0 where the Crosshair supports PCI 2.0 This (PCIe 3.0) is accomplished by adding a PCI 3.0 bridge that in connected to the Northbridge which is maybe "why" these cards CFXed in the Crosshair do not function.

I just don't have a lot of experience in working with CFX/SLI to be of much help here; sorry 🙂 Maybe you can attempt to find one of the Asus Reps that post from time to time in this forum to see if they can provide any insight or offer advice?

Keep us posted with your progress....hate to lose one to the dark side (Intel) 🙂

For trouble-shooting tips see my blog at:


MB: Crosshair V Formula-Z • CPU: FX-8350 • GPU: Asus Matrix R9 280x • RAM: 8GB of Crucial Ballistix Tactical Tracer (1866)• PSU: Thermaltake DPS Thoughpower 750 Watt • CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Frio Advanced • Keyboard: TT Sports Challanger Ultimate • Mouse: TT Sports Black Element • Case: Thermaltake GT Level 10
