Hi all,
I'm posting this hoping someone could help me with my issue. I already tried contacting Asus about this but their online contact formular doesnt seem to send out my message.
2 Days ago my PC just turned of. Instant Power down, but the decorative LEDs on the mainboard stayed on. No burning smell, so i disconnected the mains, waited a few minutes
and tried starting it again. As soon as i switch on my PSU the deco LEDs begin to fade up and down, Power and Reset LED at the bottom of the board turn on, but nothing
happens when i hit the start button except that a small red led right above the CPU socket turns on, no fans start, no beeps, no errorcodes displayed.
What i already tried:
- Start the system outside the computer case -> same behaviour
- Unplug the PSU and check if it starts when jumped, its working and delivering the desired voltages on all connectors. i cant tell if it failes under load
- Start the system without GPU -> same thing
- Without memory -> same thing
- Without CPU -> same thing
- Disconnect everything but the PSU -> same thing
- reset bios settings didnt change anything
- checked the board for burn marks and smell, couldnt find any
The red LED that turns on when i try to start the mainboard is just called "PLED1" on the pcb and not described in the manual, also couldnt find any information about
what this means on the internet.
This is what it looks like when i turn on the PSU:
and thats what happens when i try starting it:
My System was running fine for about 6 or 7 weeks. Is there any way to fix this? Or should i just return it for a new one?
Thanks in advance