I've not spotted the shiney X-fi chip on the board like the current Crosshair IV has, will this remain a feature?
Is there an estimated release date?
I've not been a fan of Asus for around 2yrs since all the hastle I had, but looking to go AMD for a change and willing to give Asus another go. The board was great, but the GPU's reliability and RMA service were pathetic.
Just going to get extended coverage with my e-tailer this time cause if it breaks, I'm not going through the suffering again.
I would have thought so normally but the Crosshair IV has the X-Fi chip fitted onto the motherboard, and since this board is showing on board audio, but no sign of the chip, I wondered if it'd been left out
I'm not surprised for the board only has standard HD audio. Since it's built for overclocking and Lucid hydra multi-GPU technology. we can see clearly there isn't much room left for more components on the board. I got to admit Asus engineers have done great job improving mobo layout in the latest boards, before was just barely enough.