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Samsung SM951 PCIe 3.0 x4 M.2 SSD not detectedin BIOS

Level 7
So, I bought the ASUS Maximus Impact VII board, with the idea to obtain an M.2 SSD board in the future.

The day has come, but as usual, something has to go wrong and it isn't being detected. I've trolled the forums, and what I have done so far is:

+ Set the Secure boot from "Windows UEFI" to "Other OS". And when I have tried to disable the "CSM" to disabled, the system boots, but I get no visual onscreen, even when I plug the HDMI in the MoBo port. I have confirmed the Video Card is UEFI compliant.

+I have tried setting all the settings in CSM to UEFI, but when I select the UEFI USB to boot windows, it just keeps boucing back into BIOS.

+ Unplugged and re-plugged the board. Have checked that the Bluetooth and the Wireless hardware works on the PCIe Comobo IV drive work. Maybe the M.2 plug was DOA? I have no other way to test either the SSD or the M.2 port to see which could be faulty.

+ What I will be trying later today, is using a different monitor to boot with CSM disabled, as it could be the screen I am using isn't compatible, but I fint that believe.

Happy to get feedback from anyone that has had a similar experience, and can shed some advice, before I pursue an RMA on the board.

Cheers guys!

Level 7
Hi , I thought I replied to this , but you need to follow the below youtube clip , with the bios set as you said above.

Once UEFI install has been completed , then and ONLY then will your BIOS show the drive ! , -->

You also need to check you arent one of the unfortunate ones that has the "bent pins" on the Combo card when you insert it in the motherboard. if you have then you may need to RMA the board. <-- Take the combo card out and look at the pins on it to check none are pushed up !

Thanks for the reply. Will have a look at the clip today. My problem is, when I disable CSM, I can't see a boot screen. I end up having to reset the CMOS so that I get my display back, which then means CSM is back to being enabled. It's such a pain!

Will touch base once I have looked at the clip! Appreciate the response 🙂

So, I just tried booting with CSM disabled, and I get no display after reboot. I tried plugging in an older monitor, but still no luck getting a display. Starting to get really annoying, as I can't figure out what isn't working exactly. Is there a reason I can't boot with CSM disabled? Part of me wants to downgrade the BIOS, and see if an older version works. Some people have said they are using older versions.

Level 7
OK, so a few interesting things to update.

CSM wouldn't work. At all. Down graded the BIOS 2 versions back. Tried to Disable CSM, and kept getting an error that said this version of BIOS isn't compatible with UEFI. Upgraded one version, same thing. Upgraded back to the latest, and it would boot. Only problem is, when it was loading Win7 (x64) from the USB, just after the Windows logo would start, it would reboot. I would then get the error message "The current BIOS setting do not fully support the Windows UEFI mode. And then it turned CSM back on.

I figured this may just be a problem with Windows 7. So I try the same thing with Windows 8. I get into the start up, but the drive is not visible at all.

I am now kinda stuck, I am guessing its the drive? Guess I could be that unlucky that it was D.O.A. Will hit up Ramcity and see what happens......

Level 7
UEFI only suppoer Windows 8 and above . I think

You are installing from UEFI install media ?.. i.e the UEFI folders are on the directory for the install media ?

Level 7
Hi Rhys,

Correct. I just reinstalled windows via UEFI onto my old Agilty 3 SSD, and it works fine. I was hoping that booting this way, might make the disk visible in windows but no luck. I touched base with RAMCITY with the issue, and they suggested a video link, of which I have already tried that method to no avail. I am trying to find a way to test if its the board, or the SSD itself that isn't working.

Pretty sure Win7 should work with this drive, according to RAMCITY at least.

Level 7
Well I cant comment on Windows 7 , as who uses that anymore .. its all Windows 10 now mate 🙂

But Windows 8.1/10 should see the device in the setup disk wizard when installing windows <-- providing you are installing in UEFI mode and have CSM disable etc.. as per instructions -->
If and when the install finds the device ( remember to have any other SATA device unplugged before running install) which it should , it will install in UEFI mode , and then and only then that the BIOS/UEFI will display the device as a bootable UEFI device to boot from .

There are a lot of comments on this Youtube clip which are handy as well .

I had no issue myself , but I never tried installing Windows 7 .. And I am not sure if Windows 7 works at all with this M.2 drive/UEFI mode?

Level 7
I contact RAMCITY and they said it should. I just plugged the drive into an M.2 port in another computer at home (completely didn't realise the drive had an M.2 socket), and the drive was picked up straight away in UEFI BIOS menu. I'm starting to think it may be a faulty board.

The only difference when installing the SSD, is that the 2nd board (an ASUS Z97M-Plus), is that you are able to screw down the SSD Drive to the board. The MPCIe Combo drive on the Impact VII doesn't allow you to do that.

Either way, going to RAM the board, and see if the replacement works a little smoother.

As a side note, the PCIe speed on my Impact is only x8, with a new 970 Nvidia card. Where as the Z97M-Plus hhas a speed of x16, with a really old GTX550Ti) graphics card. Wondering that the board is just completely faulty.

Level 7
Yes , the PCIe speed does drop down to x8 when you have the M.2 drive installed, which doesnt mean you loose any GPU performance , maybe a frame or 2 .

Interesting , checked the pins of the combo card? None bent? , I must say its a stupidly designed piece of kit , althou amazing , but socket/plug has been designed by a 5yr old in my opinion