EDIT: I just realized, much like some guy before me somewhere on this thread who set Windows to resync the clock every 15 minutes, what the problem might be: AIDA 64 is set to update the data at regural intervals, down to the millisecond. But if the clock freezes, how does it know how many miliseconds have passed? Maybe it doesn't, and so it waits for the next 5000 milliseconds to pass, and keeps waiting. So perhaps it's not "frozen" but "indefinatly waiting" for a time to pass that never shows up.
Man, this clock situation eff'd everything up. Will do the reflashing and resetting of cmos, but if the people on this board are to be believed, the problem always comes back.
Also, I was thinking, perhaps it has nothing to do with the settings themselves, but the amount of times that the settings are changed? I remember that when windows 8 first came out, there was an error with the screensavers. If you changed the picture more than 8 (or maybe it was 10, i forget) times, it would stop updating the pictures and continuously reuse the old ones, even if you tried to change the picture manually. It had nothing to do with the pictures themselves or even their format, but the amount of times that the picture had been changed. Perhaps due to a part of the code which a programmer had placed a low amount of variables when testing or something, and then forgot to change it.
It seems the only regular variable is the fact that it happens to people who are changing their bios settings, and some are saying they think the amount of times they change it has an effect. I myself tried to load a profile from before the problem occurred, but the problem STILL showed up. The problem can apparently also be brought about an unaffected machine by bringing in a profile that it has occurred on. I would think the only way this could be is if there was a hidden parameter somewhere that could be transferred through profiles but was also independent of the profile settings themselves.
Perhaps there is some setting or file or line of code that tracks user history and changes, even just counting the number of times something has been switched, that is broken or something. Perhaps, for those trying to replicate the problem, you could try sticking with just one motherboard, and see if after numerous setting changes the problem appears.
I'm no expert though, so I have no idea, I'm just throwing out some thoughts.