Hello fellow Non ROG intel motherboard fans.
😄 im in need of some help and possible guidence. this is my first time doing an intel build and cpu/motherbord installation on my own.Its been a nerv rackin experince to say the least but in the end iv set it up and its been running for 4 days now but with problems.
first problem. i can not get my HD TV to display the post or bios for the motherbord.once it boots into windows though the display comes on and i see windows and everything is fine. i tryd plugin it into the motherbord HDMI but i get no picture at all even in windows . and iv tryd connecting it with my grpahics card witch is the only way it will be viewd at all. but again its only once im in windows. so as an alternativ i have to plug in a second moniter to my graphivs card with a dvi cable and its curently been the only way i can access the bios.
second problem. so meny drivers on the asus website for this motherbord and a bit lost.despite this i did my best and downloaded what i could but some of the drivers would not install and said i had insafient hardware..very lost about that. iv installd the asus suit II and it seems to be workin correclty though.
final problem. Iv started to try overclocking. at first i tryd using the auto tuner in the bios but that only gave me 4.2ghz and it raisd the BCLK and downclocks my memory and the voltage seemd rather high for that speed. so i tryd to do it myself. by just changing the turbo clock and leaving everything els alone saving and rebooting .I thoght everything was ok since my pc did not crash or anything so i continued to raise it once and try agian till i got to 44 (no crashes) but then i noticed hardware moniter was reporting a max value of 1.42volts on the vcore from just browsing the web. tempratures were not a problem though.so I turnd the turbo back down to 42 but the volt was still around 1.31 and from what iv read you should only need to start increesing voltage once u hit 4.3ghz. but why is it that when i change the turbo clock the voltage dosent stay at stock? so anywaz i tryd another aproach this time manule setting the cpu offset to its lowest value possible and loading into windows. but i noticed that the voltage was allready hitting 1.2 and it was going up slightly in hardware mointer under max value and this was at stock clocks. 3.5 with turbo 3.8 .the only way i can seem to get the voltage low (0.098)is if i just leave it on system defults or use the turbo evo overclocking software in the suite II to do it in real time.but it dosent save and it dosent seem full proof for an overclock. so im askin how do i go about having an overclock were its set as stock voltage (0.098) at 3.5ghz with a turbo of 4.3? I could do with some guidence.thanks
CPU: i7 7700k
GPU: EVGA 1080ti Kingpin
Ram: GSkill TridentZRGB 2x8 3200mhz
cooler: NZKT kraken x52
Psu: EVGA G2L 850watt
HD1: Samsung 840 EVO 256GB
OS: Windows 10 64bit
Case: HAFX