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Sabertooth 99FX & AMD FX-8150 overclocking issue's!

Level 7
Hi all!

I am the proud owner of the following:

Asus SaberTooth 990FX
AMD FX-8150
GEIL 2x4gb 2133mhz memory!

Unfortunatly I am having serious issue's in overclocking the processor.
The motherboard has so many bios functions as : Core Turbo/cool n quit/power save modes and I can keep going on for ages...
I have been searching on the internet on some overclocking setups and tried many of them.

FYI : Im still using the STOCK heatsink supplied with the FX-8150! (not enough money left to buy me the Corsair H80)

Some clock settings i tried as :
Multiplier : 20.0
FSB : 205
Vcore : 1.45

When booting it shows nicely 4100mhz.. but when running Prime95, i get fatal errors.. When running on 4000mhz it runs fine
I am doing something wrong here.. Could it be that my heatsink is a piece of crap??

(I must say that the heatsink does not feel hot when prime95 start for only 2 seconds and when it crashes my system)
Anyone else having luck and could help me out?

Level 40

Go have a look here I wrote this when the Bull Dozer was first released. Should help you.

Make sure you are using a good temp monitoring application.

And yes the stock cooler is not that great.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

HiVizMan wrote:

Go have a look here I wrote this when the Bull Dozer was first released. Should help you.

Make sure you are using a good temp monitoring application.

And yes the stock cooler is not that great.

You are being nice. The stock cooler is not for over clocking at all. If you can wait cool master has a new I think 812 that is on my short list.
Thanks and God Bless Johnny333 65+++

johnny333 wrote:
You are being nice. The stock cooler is not for over clocking at all. If you can wait cool master has a new I think 812 that is on my short list.
Thanks and God Bless Johnny333 65+++

Well yes I am being nice that is true. And this is a family forum so I can not really say what I think of the stock cooler. 😄
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

I have that setup on stock air on this customers new machine I'm finishing the burn in on, you will want a cooler for anything higher than 3.8 since your a gamer. you can get it stable on at about 4.6 easily and 5Ghz if you tweak it out a little with a mid range air cooler (be sure you get one that will fit next to the ram the board doesn't have much play room) and be sure you get some good thermal stuff I recommend something like ocz freeze which will take the temp down at max load 8-10c alone its worth the 10 bucks. I had this on air stable at 4.6 @ 1.4+v on the cpu but it was to hot after 10 sec of load. All in all I can say the motherboard is a good one with this processor for the price you get it at on sale.

hit 135,000 on cpu mark on this system that took around 780 bucks to build and is on the stock air.

Processor AMD FX(tm)-8120 Eight-Core Processor 7.8
Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB 7.8
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 430 6.7
Gaming graphics 4095 MB Total available graphics memory 6.7
Primary hard disk 849GB Free (931GB Total) 5.9

the hdds are 2 raid0 500GB drives and the ram is corsair vengeance 1866

Hope that info helps you out if you need more info on how/what I tweaked text me eight six five 657 7162

HiVizMan wrote:
Well yes I am being nice that is true. And this is a family forum so I can not really say what I think of the stock cooler. 😄

I did not know that... rofl... But I guess it is... And it's great that it's a family forum... not much annoying posts from immature comments lol But I would think that people who've seriously get angry I would think they'd loose it if they didn't received a good RMA from there mobo or other parts...

Especially this is a expensive business lmao... But it's wonderful that it's a family forum... That's why I try to suggest people not to post personal things in the other thread about posting pictures in public like Facebook I've seen multiple duplicates of people even myself had to close it down because once you posts it they can make a duplicate account and friends and family will talk to the duplicate and you'll loose your identity when family and friends says you said this and that when you didn't had that conversation lol And family and friends spilled the beans on your info by talking to your duplicate identity...

Like a family forum they should becareful to posts their identification like mugshot etc... as a parent gotta protect family :cool:

If you don't have children... just think of your pets as children and how your worried if your dog or cat is not behaving normally... lol
ASUS Entheustic <3r MOBO RIG: First RIG first custom built myself...
Antec Darkfleet-80 (Antec said it's a new Full Tower ATX.. and also said copied from other ATX..) / Rampage 4 Extreme / Intel i7-3820 (hope to upgrade to i7-3960X but cannot afford on budget atm...) / EVGA 560 Ti OC 256-bit 1GB 4-way SLI Kingston XMP 8 GB 2400 mhz DDR3 / Cool Masters 1000w PSU / Phantek European design Heatsink for LGA 2011 /ASUS Blu-ray Drive / Seagate SSHD 500GB Momentus XT Win 7 64-bit Ultimate / AutoCad2000

Hey guys! Haven't been on for a while and I noticed that alot of you guys replied in this topic of mine! 🙂

Lately I haven't tried to much clocking though..
I reached a stable of 4.4ghz on the FX-8150

These are my bios settings :

Multiplier : 22
FSB : 200
V-core : 1.40

Mhz : 4414

Any thought on how to set the correct bios settings to get a stable clock at 5.0ghz?


Level 13
I've got a really easy way of OC'in the Bulldozer!.... Attach it to 2 sticks of Dynamite, Light Fuze, RUN!

Level 13
Jackie55, In my opinion get the Crosshair V Formula (not the Thunderbolt) if you want to Over Clock AMD Platforms or if you want to play with Intel get the Rampage IV. Both platforms are great for Over Clocking and have everything you could want including this community of Experts!

Level 40
The only call you have to make Jackie55 is if you want to go AMD or Intel. Both are good fun to overclock and tinker with. And both boards mentioned are great to use too.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.