Ok heres the deal, i have a sabertooth 990fx+1055t+4x4gb kingston hyperx memory, I moved from a gigabyte 790xt-ud4p, in my last board, I had no trouble getting 1055t t 3.5x stable with memory at 167*mhz, with this sabertooth I have had nothing but trouble trying to get it stable...
I have tried loose timings, higher and lower memory volts, every bios made for the board...it just dosnt want to stabilize.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820104173thats the memory I have.
also note, I have re-tested with the gb board and it works fine still.
my system
amd 1055t+corecontact freezer
sabertooth 990fx
4x4gb kingston hyperx
2x6870 1gb
bunch of hdd's
1200watt pc p&c turbocool
any suggestions would be welcome, including proper drive str's and timings.....anything that could help.....
also note, i have tested each stick for 5 passes of memtest seperatly and they are all good from memtests perspective.