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RESIZE BAR for Z370/Z390 chipset

Level 7
Good afternoon,

I would like to know if a BIOS update will be released for the z370 / z380 motherboards with RESIZE BAR option?

644 REPLIES 644

foetopsy wrote:
Thank you for your persistence, there is still an unpleasant aftertaste when you have to put pressure on a company, I watch independent channels that buy hardware for tests for their own money, refusing to cooperate with companies, these sponsors are people and viewers

I unsubscribed from these channels, thanks for your work and perseverance!)

Thank you too for your voice and helping push this!
I hear you! Asus could have handled this way better than they have but resize bar support is coming 🙂
Those channels let us down IMO, so good on you for unsubscribing.
My other problem with those channels is they are quick to call out companies like nvidia when they don't like something and therefore I am calling them out on their in action and the poor response, to quote them "spamming us won't get you want you want."
Well it they actually were prepared to help us here, it might have. I am done watching those channels, and will just stick to websites for my reviews etc from now on.

Level 7
Well this is a turn of good events from not getting it to possible the end of next week for RESizable Bar on 300 Series boards, awesome news.

Level 10
What the heck, im seeing other smaller brands enable this. Thought ASUS would be the first or at least second to enable it in at least the 390 first then the 370. Wow, maybe i shouldnt have switched from EVGA. Well i have been thinking of switching from my Z370 to a Z390 for better support for my 9900k. Guess i might have to start looking at EVGA again. Oh well.

Taint3dBulge wrote:
What the heck, im seeing other smaller brands enable this. Thought ASUS would be the first or at least second to enable it in at least the 390 first then the 370. Wow, maybe i shouldnt have switched from EVGA. Well i have been thinking of switching from my Z370 to a Z390 for better support for my 9900k. Guess i might have to start looking at EVGA again. Oh well.

Chill, they will support both Z370 and Z390.

Throughout my life, I preferred to buy Asus products. They also just stopped supporting my past motherboard, bought a new one now again, I hear it, we made a noise, they heard us, they promised support, we'll see, but I already decided for myself that I no longer want to deal with asus, and I also left all social networks asus a lot of problems, I a simple user, I find it difficult to look for a solution to problems with their software such as Aura, Fanexpert, MemTweakIt, and much more. everyone who took part in this thread thanks using google translate sorry for my english 🙂

I just created an account to join the chorus of unhappy customers voicing displeasure at the lack of resizeable bar updates on Z390 motherboards. My ASUS Maximus XI Hero (WiFi) was an expensive, premium class product and I would like to see it supported considering all of the competition have already released updates for their Z390 lineup and even Z370 in many cases!

I see that we’ve finally received some official confirmation that these updates are in the pipeline a few pages back. Huge thanks to Silent Scone for confirming that, communication is much appreciated! I’m okay with waiting a bit longer to make sure these updates are stable when released, but if ASUS ultimately fails to deliver the updates for the Z390 lineup then this’ll be the last ASUS motherboard I ever buy. So please don’t let us down ASUS!

Looking forward to testing out the resizable bar feature soon!

Taint3dBulge wrote:
What the heck, im seeing other smaller brands enable this. Thought ASUS would be the first or at least second to enable it in at least the 390 first then the 370. Wow, maybe i shouldnt have switched from EVGA. Well i have been thinking of switching from my Z370 to a Z390 for better support for my 9900k. Guess i might have to start looking at EVGA again. Oh well.

It is coming. Should be out late April or early May. Being first is not always the best, I know EVGA have had some booting issues after people turned on resizable bar. The last I checked their engineers have reproduced the issue but are still working on the cause and a fix.

pennyboy wrote:
It is coming. Should be out late April or early May. Being first is not always the best, I know EVGA have had some booting issues after people turned on resizable bar. The last I checked their engineers have reproduced the issue but are still working on the cause and a fix.

No communication with customers and being last does not give them gold medal either

pennyboy wrote:
It is coming. Should be out late April or early May. Being first is not always the best, I know EVGA have had some booting issues after people turned on resizable bar. The last I checked their engineers have reproduced the issue but are still working on the cause and a fix.

This is what scares me. I hope ASUS isn't rushing this out the door without properly testing it. Going to be very tempting to update immediately but I think I'll wait a week or two just to make sure there's no issues. Between upgrading the BIOS and updating my 3090FE I'm going to be a bundle of nerves hoping that everything goes smoothly and I'm not left with a $1700 brick.

So, is that the end of the week or what?