Help! god this is frustrating im keeping up with this past 3months for gods sake!Yo , Guys Im facing major issue with the Asus Rampage IV BLACK EDITION x79 board (Also im not the only one here Facing this problem there are more who face the Exact problem im writing, Please Help us)
, Recently After Creators Update in Win 10 pro and Nvidia's New Drivers I face a Random Issue Where My PC Would Crash out of nowhere.
The symptom is Monitor would Show a random
"No Signal" while im gaming,Browsing,Rendering or Anything. All lights are on PC shows No Q-Code Error Except 3 times it did show Q-Code Error 40 but it does not show that anymore.
Also Heads Up i checked the Event Log
"nvlddmkm stopped responding " is in the Windows log......so i cant say which is making the nvidia driver act so abnormally.
its been 3months and still going with this problem till today.
This is happening Like when im gaming,Drawing,3d modeling,rendering or anything and bam my Monitor/Monitors would get disconnected, this is no issue of psu,gpu im suspecting its cause of Asus Bios being still old in Beta for win 10 or cause of WIndows 10 doing something wrong or Nvidia doing something wrong.
Im in a wreck right now anyone face this issue? cause its random as hell tho i might not crash for a few days but then crash several times in a day. Anyone know about this?My problem is very similar to this guy here on this thread:
https://rog.asus.com/forum/showthrea...ck-Edition-X79I ran many test all hardware is ok even downlclocked still issue remains.
I done following things:#1.Check PSU - i have 3 PSU all are not defective yet results are same so -PSU no PROBLEM!
#2.Checked RAMs - Meme Test 86 + Ran for 8hrs,Windows ram diognistics also ran - RAM no PROBLEM!
#3.Check for CPU Bent Pins - NOPE! not at all!
#4.Hard Drive - Nope works fine on other pc i spent 3 day Formatting/installing and went through hell.
#5.Check if there is Driver Conflict
*Disabled- Corsair LInk,AntiVIrus,Msi AfterBurner,Intel Virtualization - Nothing conflicts results remain same!
#6.Ran Virus Scans with several antivirus and Anti-malware Tools and did formats none showed a single spec of malware or virus.
#7.Checked GPU- I have GT730 & 240GT old nvidia Cards, That had the same issue too. (Literally no nvidia card gets mercy in this problem)
Weirdly AMD card is not doin this, i dont own one but i borrowed from a friend it didnt crash the 1 whole day.
I am a guy who tries to keep PC Alive so i dont overclock at all, I am pretty 100% sure my every piece of hardware is ok since they stay very low on temp about 40 to 50 max plus not a single component in my PC have crossed 50C+ except the GPU tho
😛 cause i am one of those careful guys.
Also why is there no proper Driver for WIndows 10 for x79 Rampage Baords?
Update 25th September 2017 - Temporary Solution Found....Works for The Rampage IV Black Edition Board.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#1.Disable your Compatibility Support Module (CSM) in the Boot Option before u start the System.
#2. So far Disabling CSM has made my System far stable than before...i dont crash anymore, there are 2 program which makes my system
crash even if
CSM is disabled that is the Firefox and Bluestacks otherwise disabling CSM has made Nvidia Driver work very Stable for Windows 10.
Don't use firefox while you are gaming u will 100% crash even if CSM is disabled, I suspect the Bug is windows 10 & Nvidia not firefox or Bluestacks.
Additional Steps That must be followed With CSM disabled:My No signal Issue is not completely gone, it still happens to me the only thing i have manged is to delay to crash, By my method u can run the PC max 7hrs to 12Hrs but some program in windows 10 always trigger the Nvidia Driver to crash, i only have managed to make nvidia driver stable by my random trail and error.
You may have already done the steps i am writing, but please bare with me so we can find the solution together.#1.use DDU (i know u probably used Display Driver Uninstaller but i just wanna make sure u are doing same thing as me)
#2.Disable Windows 10 Auto Installing Drivers.
#3.Uninstall Flash Player & Quick Time play if you have them, they make nvidia driver act abnormally.
#5.Wipe Secure Boot Keys ...the reason im saying to wipe secure boot keys is cause some people in nvidia forum said they solved some crash doing this.
#6.Use Ccleaner to Wipe every garbage registry. Then restart PC. (DONT CONNECT INTERNET, dont let windows 10 find updates even tho we disabled auto installation of drivers for windows 10 its risky to have internet connected now)
#7.Install latest Nvidia driver. Dont install 3D vision garbage.
#8.Download a Program called TDR Manipulator , this program is very helpful for debugging the nvidia driver.
set TDR delay to 2 or 8 try, restart PC.
https://www.wagnardsoft.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=755#9. Test ur PC after the Restart and tell me if its working or not.
#10.Report me back what has happened to you system....im here.
#11. Please use this Stable Bios, This Bios was made by User @Holystarlight, thanks to him:
Update: Try This TDR Values:I am running My System Quite Stable Past 19hrs, I think i made progress with the Stability With the Nvidia Driver, Use The TDR Manupulator and Set the Values (Do note i own a Nvidia TItan X so be aware some values may differ if ur card is way too Old from Fermi Generation it may not work im not sure but u can trail it and set the values default if things go bad.....(well i own 3 gpu Nvidia TItan X,240GT & GT730 so far i didnt test the gt240 but gt730 and Titan X works with the value)....
#13. The main cause of all this mishap is Nvidia driver.....wat i now believe is this is the Nvidia Drivers with Some Voltage Issue, Im playing with the Voltages...Downcloking didnt help, I will increase voltage and test out more.
LAST NOTE: Issue is there system would crash unless a Developer notice this there is No fix! WHat i tired will Only delay the crash for few hours, but can promise the Complete Stability for 20+hrs.
Operating System: Windows 10 x64 Pro (Original Purchase)
Mobo: Asus Rampage IV Black Edition x79 (Bios Latest 801)
Processor: intel Core i7 4960x 3.6Ghz (No turbo enabled cause i dont need)
Ram: G.Skills 32GB 2400Quad Channel XMP mode DDR3
Storage-Mechanical: 12TB 7400HDD x 6
Storage-Non Mechanical: 500GB SSD x 1
GPU: Nvidia Stock Titan X (only 1 card)
Cooler: Corsair H100i
CASE: Cooler Master Stryker
PSU: Corsair RM1000X