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Rampage IV Gene fan control problem

Level 7
I'm attempting to control a non pwm fan (Gentle Typhoon AP-15) with the cpu_fan header and it just runs at full bore, completely ignoring both the silent bios settings and FAN Xpert. Am I missing something?

I got it to work for the Chassis Fan headers, though they are all controlled by only one setting... kinda lame.

Level 7

Level 7
I think you need pwm fan to control cpu and some chassis fan.

maybe this is another bios update bug I have a similar issue on the pch fan on the rampage iv extreme motherboard and the fan controller will not work with the pch fan it just spins 5800 rpm and its non controllable in bios

Level 7
I updated bios to 4804 few days ago and averything seems fine with PCH. Duty mode work, silent and user mode. This is with RIVE and 3930k cpu.

stim wrote:
I think you need pwm fan to control cpu and some chassis fan.

I know that would work but that means I won't be able to use a Gentle Typhoon, which is the best static pressure fan. From what I understand other motherboards by Asus have an advanced mode to select that allows cpu_fan control to work without a pwm fan.

stim wrote:
I updated bios to 4804 few days ago and averything seems fine with PCH. Duty mode work, silent and user mode. This is with RIVE and 3930k cpu.

I also have the latest bios- 4804. My fan control works for chassis fans, but the cpu control does not work, it looks like a bios issue.

Level 7
Not possible with RIVE and FX1 i think. Maybe it work on some other board, eg RIVBE. I have order RIVBE and let you know if it can control 3-pin fans.

stim wrote:
Not possible with RIVE and FX1 i think. Maybe it work on some other board, eg RIVBE. I have order RIVBE and let you know if it can control 3-pin fans.

Please do, I would appreciate it!

Level 7
I have the same. All fans appear as chassis 1. I have an H100i in my Cpu fan (Ai suite II doesn't work with corsair link). I have a couple of corsair pwm fans but the only setting that appears is chassis one. I am seriously considering getting a fan controller!
Asus Rampage Gene IV - 3960x 4.2 Ghz - EVGA GTX 680 4GB FTW - Quadro 4000- 16GB 4x4 corsair Vengeance 1600mhz - SSD Samsung pro 256gb - 3TB barracuda - 1000w Silverstone Strider - H100i cooling on a Black Aerocool Dead Silence case. Windows 8.1 pro

You need to switch the control scheme to ADVANCED for that fan header in order to switch it to DC mode. All other settings, including AUTO, only work in PWM mode.
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