Macchiavelli1984 wrote:
It has definitely nothing to do with my ISP - because I can test my bandwith on their website and I usually reach 98 Mbit / 9.8 Mbit - so almost the nominal value of my package.
That shows absolutely nothing. You are testing speed with the internal network of your ISP or if the testing machine is outside their network (which I doubt it), a designated host. That just shows that you have that speed in relation to the above only. Nothing else.
In JDownloader before the updates everything used to be really fast - as said before normally at least 5 Megabyte / s download speed - now I only reach that for a couple of minutes then the speed drops.
The question is where do you download from? JDownloader is just a nice download manager (I use it too for some things) but it is entirely unrelated to your speed by itself. Your speed depends on these things:
a) The host's (where you download from) upstream speed.
b) The routing between you and said host (if a router on the way is eating packages due to network issues then your speed will fluctuate or drop).
c) Traffic congestion. (How many sockets are there open? Can your routers, switches, etc handle the load? I your upstream close to max?)
d) Other things like things injected into the TCP/IP stack, malfunctioning router, a cable going bad etc etc
I have tested Jdownloader with Bios 2105 (my bios 2) and Bios 3404 - both with the newest lan drivers and AI Fan Control manually disabled - with the new bios i hardly reach anything beyond 500 KB/s with bios 2105 at least some time higher speed.
That service can cause an issue because it's currently bugged. There are no issued with the Network and the UEFI versions though and the GBE firmware has been the same in all these versions. Something else is your problem most likely entirely unrelated to the board/hardware.
Do you guys use the newest Intel Lan drivers or do you still use the 16.6.0.. something version?
Yes. I have absolutely no network issue.
Initially my setup was fine, but now with the newer drivers which ought to have improved stability my setup is a mess..
This is either a coincidence or the driver is corrupted.