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Rampage iv extreme fast boot (win 8 pro) ... Does not work

Level 10
Since the fast boot option on 2105 bios I asked myself what it should do. Maybe it should load Windows 8 like a thunder (a friend of mine has a similar configuration and loads about in 2 seconds) but I can't understand why on my own configuration I take 19 seconds. In other words it seems the same time I took on Windows 7!! I've set up bios as best as possible but the situation is still the same....

Could you help me please to understand it ?

Could it be due to 32 Gb RAM mounted on all 8 slots ?

my setup is in signature ..

Level 10
It does work, I have it working on my system, boot times are about 3 seconds or so.

It requires that you have not disabled hibernation on your system to work, and for the fastest performance, you have to have windows 8 fully setup under UEFI mode.

Here is a way to make sure the windows setting for it is correct at least:

jollywombat wrote:
It does work, I have it working on my system, boot times are about 3 seconds or so.

It requires that you have not disabled hibernation on your system to work, and for the fastest performance, you have to have windows 8 fully setup under UEFI mode.

Here is a way to make sure the windows setting for it is correct at least:

Hi friend, thanks for your answer.. I've disable Hibernation using command prompt "Powercfg -h off".
I did this procedure on my laptop and load in a flash. I noticed that with 32GB of RAM in the register disappears Superfetch and remain only prefetch. I disable also Superfetch in windows's services, and windows search.
Are we really sure that with 32gb of ram does not change anything?
I use 8 slots

If there's any ideas, I verified fast boot on. Reformatted to UEFI made sure that's right, boot times are still ~15-18 seconds though 😞 Any thoughts?

Red Jhon wrote:
Hi friend, thanks for your answer.. I've disable Hibernation using command prompt "Powercfg -h off".
I did this procedure on my laptop and load in a flash. I noticed that with 32GB of RAM in the register disappears Superfetch and remain only prefetch. I disable also Superfetch in windows's services, and windows search.
Are we really sure that with 32gb of ram does not change anything?
I use 8 slots

I have 32gb of ram, although only in 4 slots. I am 99.9% sure that the slots do not matter though, its all about making sure windows is configured correctly. You do need to have hibernation active for this to work as I stated above there. The fast boot for windows 8 is really only hibernation renamed and optimized. Thankfully though it only uses about 4gb of space on the SSDs verses the old hibernation which was your ram size.

Re-enable the hibernation and give it a shot again there. This also assumes you do have full UEFI for windows 8 as I do not believe that it will work at its full speed without this.

As for converting win8 to full UEFI, I believe you have to format to do it, but could be wrong. There are parts of guides written up for it in the BIOS 3404 threads, but I can try and write up a quick guide to it from my experience with it as well if need be.

Level 9
I have those options on by default, but I had my ssd on the ASMEDIA ports when I installed it, so I don't think it's installed under UEFI. Is there a guide to installing windows 8 under UEFI properly for the RIVE or a guide/way to convert my existing install to full UEFI? I can reformat if nessisary.

My boot times even with Fast Boot on is ~20.5-25 seconds.

Level 10
Look, I formatted I do not know how many times, in UEFI, but the boot is always late .. the notebook I disabled hibernation but win 8 start in 3 seconds.

How do you explain that? It is not that the new Rampage IV have something more?

I have a Logitech G19 keyboard, it could be the cause?

I cannot answer for your laptop other than possibly hibernation is not completely off there, or its using a proprietary implementation that a few vendors have started doing like lenovo.

Lets review what you have setup here for the RIVE.

In the BIOS, do you have the option for CSM disabled, and secure boot enabled? (With Secure boot, there is discussion if this is actually needed or not, but from what I have seen it helps)

Do you have BIOS 3404?

Did you install windows 8 with those BIOS options set? If not, I have found full UEFI does not apply.

Did you install a UEFI GOP VBIOS to your video cards? Because no cards come with this by default, the 6xx series you have to manually install a vendor supplied bios update (assuming zotec has one currently, I only know of EVGA and MSI that have released UEFI VBIOS so far, so you may be out of luck. Contact the Zotec support to obtain the bios assuming they have one).

Hard drive GTP partition and not MBR?

Level 10
Yes, the discs were formatted in GPT ... Yes Bios 3404

So I checked the bios, and the situation of the CSM is this ..

Uploaded with

If I disabled the CSM, I get this error ...

Uploaded with

I do not think that there are bios updates for VGA ... how should I do?

Contact Zotec to see if they have a bios update. You have to submit a ticket as companies do not post these for the public. If they do not have one, you are out of luck for the time being unfortunately.