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Rampage IV Extreme Bios 2105 Issues

Level 7
Im having an issue with the new bios 2105 on the motherboard Rampage IV Extreme. I had to disable fast boot bc the windows logo was going on forever but now the main problem im having is many of my usb ports and the bluetooth on my motherboard disappear and my 12 in 1 card reader and internal usb port disappear if i put my computer into Low Power state sleep and wake it up. a restart fixes it but it is annoying since i cannot use my card readers or case usb ports and the top two rows starting from the rog connect and cmos of usb ports on my mobo stop working as well. bios 2 which is Bios 2003 does not have this issue. Anyone else having this and know of a work around

Specs - Intel 3930k, Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 , Nvidia gtx 590, 16gb ram "2gb x 8 1833mhz" 2x 2tb Hitachi HDS723020BLA, Killer networks card, creative sB xfi Fatality

Level 16
I have the exact same Fast Boot issue with all 2xxx but I haven't been able to check USB ports since my system doesn't boot at all without discharging all power from the board first with these versions so I've downgraded to 1404 until it's fixed.
RAMPAGE Windows 8/7 UEFI Installation Guide - Patched OROM for TRIM in RAID - Patched UEFI GOP Updater Tool - ASUS OEM License Restorer
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't!

RealBench Developer.

i dunno what it is. i like the bios cause even with fast boot off it still boots alot faster. but this glitch is annoying cause i use sleep alot and would rather not downgrade

Level 16
I doubt you can avoid downgrading if you actually use sleep...
RAMPAGE Windows 8/7 UEFI Installation Guide - Patched OROM for TRIM in RAID - Patched UEFI GOP Updater Tool - ASUS OEM License Restorer
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't!

RealBench Developer.

I think the new setting "csm parameters" in the bios have something to do with it but if i disable them my computer doesent boot up bc the vga needs csm enabled so its on auto now. hopefully the next bios update fixes this issue bc i really love how fast the new bios boots the computer even with fast boot disabled

i somehow found a somewhat fix, i disconnected my media center remote due to the fact that the device manager kept finding issues with it and so far so good. the usb ports still disable themselves but they all reenable themselves shortly after. where as before they would disable and not reenable. wonder if it had to do with that. Fast boot issue i can wait for a new bios update bc even with it off it still booots pretty fast

Level 40
I will be forwarding the sleep issues to the Dev team and report back as soon as there is any progress.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

thank you. im still having the sleep issue. When i wake up my computer from sleep you hear the usb devices disconnect. id say 4 out of 10 times they disconnect and then reconnect, but the other times they disconnect and dont come back on and disappear from the device manager completely. Another thing is the onboard bluetooth on the RIVE disables also and disappears from the device manager. But sometimes however it reenables as does the usb ports.

Level 10
I am on the 2105b and have been having no issues with sleep, weird. Using fast boot option in bios also.
7980XE on Asus ApexVI
Zotac 2080Ti
Intel 900P
2 x Samsung 950 Pro
EVGA 1600W
Alienware 34"
Samsung 28" 4K

Level 7
not using sleep, but no issue re usb, and actually really like this bios release. there is the setting to partially disable or totally disable usb during post/pre OS boot. i set to partial (mouse and keyboard only powered on).
Asus Rampage IV GENE
i7 3930k @ 4.8 24/7
custom loop
16 gigs Trident X
HIS HD7970
2x OCZ Vector 256gb raid0 via UEFI
Crossover 27Q
Win8 pro