HiVizMan wrote:
I would like you to test with one stick of ram only. Please only use 4.2 I like to use the USB version.
One stick only.
Start on one side and work in to the CPU and then onto the other and work out away from the CPU
Run at default F5 setting in BIOS.
"test with one stick of ram". You mean I should use one stick of ram to test "A1, B1, C1, D1, A2, B2, C2, D2" ram slot?
I have done that with my corsair ram already. (With memtest86)
When I just use one stick of ram install in A1, B1, C1, D1 ram slot. That is OK... The PC can be booted up and at least pass the memtest86 one time.
But it cannot boot up when I install the ram in A2, B2, C2, D2 slot.
I also try to install my samsung M378B5273DH0-CH9 4G (in the compatible list) in A2, B2, C2, D2 slot. Still fail to boot up.
I also have some issue on my samsung ram
I have 4 sticks of samsung M378B5273DH0-CH9 4G ram. (e.g. Ram A, Ram B, Ram C, Ram D)
When you install "Ram A -> A1 slot, Ram B -> B1 slot, Ram C -> C1 slot, Ram D -> D1 slot". It only can recognize 12G.
If I try to swap Ram C and Ram D (Ram D -> C1 slot, Ram C -> D1 slot). It only can recognize total 12G.
Is this normal?