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Problem flashing bios 4102 and 4206

Level 12
Hi people, A little help please.

Twice I tried to flash both the bios 4102 and 4206 8 in bios cip 1) and both times after a reboot, gave a double boots with the messages updating UEFI-1 and UEFI-2.... but after the complete setup of the new bios, the PC make a long sound and does not load the Sys OP .....apparently has difficulty also to read the original DVD WIN 7.
Two time the same results...very strange .
If I go back with the 3602 bios, everything it is OK. Of course i live the bios 3602 in the Bios cip 2!

What appen now and what can I do?

sandro c.

Level 16
I live in Athens for a little more than 2 years now but I'm actualy from Patras lol. So I know exactly the place you're talking about. It's "Achaia Clauss" (Yep they have a website now too hehe). Some of the barrels there are very very old. And there's still a barrel of the very first "Mavrodafni" wine ever created that I have actually tasted because I had an old uncle, now deceased, who was a shareholder there (it's a small city..only 300k population currently..probably less than 200K when you visited:)).
RAMPAGE Windows 8/7 UEFI Installation Guide - Patched OROM for TRIM in RAID - Patched UEFI GOP Updater Tool - ASUS OEM License Restorer
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't!

RealBench Developer.

Level 12
True Nodens ...

TRUE ... It's really " Achaia Clauss ... my wife has been illuminated when you reminded us this name, many memories come , then we were not tourists, but guests of a Greek family ( Tsirka ) ... original of Patras (my wife and I have baptized the daughter of this Greek lady who lives near Rome and we were very close), so they wanted for our honeymoon we were their guests in his big house a few hundred meters from the ship harbor, on the left of the big route that starts from a circle of flowers where was a working clock.
We ate greek for 2 weeks and its mom cooked so fantastic every day different plates. Very good times !

Hello Nodens , see you soon, after my test of 4206 origilal bios..

sandro c

Level 12
Hi Nodens, hi rog people,

I'm sorry for the delay carry out the test we had decided, but now I can say that strangely everything is OK.
I do not know why but I did flash the original bios 4206, and it seems to work ... (the trim is wrong, of course) , even if during bootup the in the display sequence ... b2> 99> d7... after D7 (The monitor is showing the list of my raid disks and not), gave a long sound as if there was a problem ... exactly as I described in the tread.
Verified what I did flash your BIOS vers 4206 ... he did the same thing ... (but the trim is OK, of course) ... then during the setup of all the bios according to my needs, long after the sound suddenly "d7" has disappeared and now I have the 4206-Bios Nodens ... working perfectly! Mysteries of computer science!
I have no words ... I just have to try this for a long bios and see the behavior in time and overclocking.
Hello Nodens, see you soon.
sandro c.

Level 40
Well glad it's sorted....hope it's sorted.....sometimes an electron or two just don't move anywhere near the speed of light....:confused:

What happened? Who the words of Richard Feynman "it's much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong"

Level 12
Hi Arne,

well said Arne ... hopefully it will be resolved.
Then ... as always, we are at the mercy of the bit crazy, or who "had to manage the bit" that he was distracted,.... but your spirit makes it more acceptable!.
Finally, this Richard Feynman, with this statement said a truer thing the Ohm's law! I will keep you informed of the situation.
sandro c.

Level 16
Sounds like it was a bad flash..who knows.. Let's hope it doesn't happen again cause then we'll have to find out:)
RAMPAGE Windows 8/7 UEFI Installation Guide - Patched OROM for TRIM in RAID - Patched UEFI GOP Updater Tool - ASUS OEM License Restorer
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't!

RealBench Developer.

Level 12
Hi Nodens, tanks for your interesting.

I can not understand how it happened ... I have a USB key, Fat32, which is used exclusively for making flash Bios (in the past I have already made dozens), so only those with 4206 and 4106 had not gone well ... while immediately after redoing the flash with 3602 was OK .... there must be something different.
However now everything is OK ... as Arne says, perhaps a bit naughty!
Let's see how it will behave the bios 4206 with overclocking and RealBench, about which I have a really big mystery to be solved ..... the first time (six-seven month ago) I had the score which is now in the standings, with 730 I had the cpu @ 4690 and mem @ 2188 .... now with the cpu @ 4700, and mem @ 2202 can not get over 711 of scores! I am sure that you test under the same load conditions and that there are programs that run under strange (checked with Process Explorer) ..!
What do you think of this?
sandro c.

sandro c.

sandro c wrote:
. the first time (six-seven month ago) I had the score which is now in the standings, with 730 I had the cpu @ 4690 and mem @ 2188 .... now with the cpu @ 4700, and mem @ 2202 can not get over 711 of scores! I am sure that you test under the same load conditions and that there are programs that run under strange (checked with Process Explorer) ..!
What do you think of this?

Hi sandro c,

There could be a lot of reasons for that. Throttling is one of them. Maybe you relaxed timings in order to raise RAM clock (secondary/tertiary included). The rest have to do with operating system conditions. You may have installed or upgraded software that eats more CPU cycles. Or maybe something else wrong in the OS..I can't really say with this data only, there are a lot of possibilities..
RAMPAGE Windows 8/7 UEFI Installation Guide - Patched OROM for TRIM in RAID - Patched UEFI GOP Updater Tool - ASUS OEM License Restorer
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't!

RealBench Developer.

Level 12
Hi Nodens,
I would exclude the time relaxed to increase the clock of the Ram ... because I think I did the opposite:
Primary t. 11/09/10 -27-1.
Second. t. 4-96 - 9 - 4 -20 - 4 - 8.
Tertiary t. 0-0-0-3-3-1-1 - 3-0 other timings in Auto.
I have all the upgrade of Win 7 pro 64 sp1 installed and, if I have installed other software that are not run .... I think that will not interfere ... or not?
But now you have given me an idea ... I could do with Realbench win 8.1 which is my second Sys Op in multiboot ... what do you say?

sandro c.

Level 12
Hi Nodens,

Realbench test carried out ... a little better with win 8.1, which get a score of 715, instead of the 711 obtained by win7 ... but still far from my test in win 7 a few months ago, with 730 score.
I do not know what to think ....
Hello Nodens
sandro c.