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Problem flashing bios 4102 and 4206

Level 12
Hi people, A little help please.

Twice I tried to flash both the bios 4102 and 4206 8 in bios cip 1) and both times after a reboot, gave a double boots with the messages updating UEFI-1 and UEFI-2.... but after the complete setup of the new bios, the PC make a long sound and does not load the Sys OP .....apparently has difficulty also to read the original DVD WIN 7.
Two time the same results...very strange .
If I go back with the 3602 bios, everything it is OK. Of course i live the bios 3602 in the Bios cip 2!

What appen now and what can I do?

sandro c.

Level 12
Hi HiVizMan,
yes, it is 3 series....but what does that mean?
sandro c.

Level 40
Could you run the converter again, and then use EZFlash2 and a FAT formatted usb stick in BIOS to flash your bios to the latest.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Level 12
Hi HiVizMan,

I do not know if I understand correctly,... but you're asking me to convert again the BIOS file ... already converted?
I have always used the same mem stick formatted fat 32, for all my flash bios procedures ...
but I have never used EZflash2. I always used to insert the mem stick on the USB dedicated with pc off, after press button and waited to the end of the flash the bios ...(ie, the end of the light-flashing LED mem stick) ... exactly how do when I flash back the bios version from 4206 to 3206, when I see that the boot hangs on the error. Then everything comes back OK ... this means that my old procedure is OK ... or not?
Tanks for your interest HiVizMan.

sandro c.

Level 40
Do you need a special driver loaded to run your RAID with the modified BIOS? Are you sure you have the correct one? What about ME driver etc etc could that have an effect?

Level 12
Hello Arne,
who have doubts about the driver or on the ME version I use?
I do not know the ME driver version but i use 12.8 Intel RST is that it works on all versions ... try until 3206 ... then why should it not be more appropriate?
So if you change the driver and bios of the raid is not good ... it becomes a problem to flash new Bios ... is not that strange? When there was BIOS version 3206 was available on RST 11.7, ... if I now want to use the version of BIOS 4206, with my RST 12.8 drivers should be more suitable for this bios ... or not?
Hello Arne........
sandro c.
JUST NOW I VERIFY that my ME version is is suitable for bios 4206 or not?

Level 40
sandro c, my friend, I wish I knew more about the ins and outs of oroms, drivers etc....I was, if you like, "thinking out loud"...more to give you something to check/think about rather than giving concrete advice...I rather think you know more about these things than I do...

Level 16
Somehow I missed this thread. Good thing Arne PM'd me about it.

Ok let's try to take things from one angle cause right now we're allover the place.
Firstly, try to flash a stock 4206. To see if it's something related to the mod. There's 0.001% of that happening but in order to be diligent we have to rule that out. Actually the only chance of that happening is that the OROM version in the modded 4206 is somehow incompatible with your particular drives. This we can fix. I can mod for you a 4206 with the OROM that worked for you with 3602. And that would be the easy stuff.

If flashing stock produces the same results then it's one of two possible causes:
1) These new versions don't behave properly with something on your system.
2) You have corruption in some other region of the SPI (not the BIOS region), that seriously breaks these versions but doesn't affect the previous ones.

In case it's no 1 you'll probably have to wait for a newer version that fixes issues or stick with the older ones. (you can also remove hardware and test to locate what exactly is causing it -- I'd start with RAM..try another kit and with single DIMM connected only, in the slot furthest from the CPU).

In case it's no 2. First try switching to the 2nd chip and copy that to the 1st. Then switch back to 1st and flash it. If you haven't tried that already...
If that doesn't work then it means the 2nd chip could also be affected and we can try a recovery procedure with FTK to make sure the SPI flash is OK. In that case let me know so I'll give you directions. If that doesn't make any difference then it's case no 1 for sure.

PS And no I don't make tsipouro myself but I got friends and relatives that do. And it's of the highest quality 😛 And I can code perfectly fine while drunk I assure you, let alone do a simple UEFI mod 😛
RAMPAGE Windows 8/7 UEFI Installation Guide - Patched OROM for TRIM in RAID - Patched UEFI GOP Updater Tool - ASUS OEM License Restorer
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't!

RealBench Developer.

Level 12
Hi Nodens,

waiting for your intervention as soon as possible ... I'll try to run a bios flash with the original version of 4206 , but I certainly can not give up the Trim working for my two Raid0 . However, I hope that even that does not work because I would be in case # 1 ... I do not understand what is wrong with me on my system that interferes with the new BIOS versions ! I do not think a hardware problem ( RAM or BIOS chip ) because I tried the flash without overclocking and also on the CIP1 ... but without success.
In case # 2 ... I do not understand the connection with the "Serial Peripheral Interface " .... but I do not have your own experience to know what it means .... do not forget that up to version 3602 PC E ' PERFECT every function !
Last question .. it is true that the version 4602 is more stable than my old 3602 , and it's worth it ?
I'll let you know as soon as possible if the original vers 4206 works well or not.

With regard to tsipouro , I was often in Greece, but I have not ever heard of .... What is a kind of GRAPPA as we do in Italy, with the skins during fermentation waste ... so if I have often built knowing well the procedure ... and often drunk .Even in my case .. when drunk seems to think and act better!

Hello Nodens
sandro c .

Level 16
Hi sandro c,

Let me know how the test with stock goes. Don't worry I won't leave you without TRIM anyhow.

In case #1, it's most definitely not a hardware problem but a UEFI problem. UEFI versions may have tweaked memory training process for example in a way that it doesn't like your particular RAM ICs. Many things actually can be wrong. No point in trying to list all the possible options because they're too many and we're not even sure it's this case yet.

In case #2. The SPI flash is the BIOS chip on the board. That chip is divided in regions. One of those regions only holds the BIOS/UEFI. The rest hold other things. If there is corruption of the data in one of those other regions problems may occur that are hard to repair because the UEFI flashing procedure will only flash the BIOS region. We have a solution for that but do the tests and let me know how it goes and we'll see if we get to this:)

Regarding your question on if 4206 is more stable than 3602..well there's no definitive answer for that as it depends on your hardware and what you're actually doing/looking for. They're both equally stable for me in my usage scenario and hardware configuration but your mileage may vary.

Now regarding Tsipouro. Heh, it is indeed much like the Italian Grappa with few differences in the process. The main difference is that the pomace used is what remains after making Ouzo instead of wine.
Another example is that you will never find Tsipouro that is not clear in color (while Grappa can have a little pigmentation/hue) and the pomace must be in early fermentation, never in late.
Double or triple distillation is common in order to control the volume of alcohol which usually ends up 60-73. You may have heard of the variety made in Crete which is called "Tsikoudia" and is usually less potent than Tsipouro/only distilled once.
In some parts of northern Greece (Macedonia) it is also called "γράπα" which basically is a synonym for Grappa. In northern Greece it is also common to be distilled with anise (like Ouzo) which makes it sweeter (something I don't personally like heh).
On a last note you may have heard of "Raki" or "Rakes" which is also a variety made in Crete which is usually mixed with extra ethanol.:)
RAMPAGE Windows 8/7 UEFI Installation Guide - Patched OROM for TRIM in RAID - Patched UEFI GOP Updater Tool - ASUS OEM License Restorer
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't!

RealBench Developer.

Level 12
Hello Nodens ,

At this point the test with the 4206 Bios is very important , as soon as I'm done important work with my PC, I will do it immediately.
Both in the case 1 in case 2 can not follow as I would like .... because although I have worked on computers for decades , I recognize that it is not at your level. I hope assist me after the test to understand better.
With regard to the stability of the Bios , I agree with you , it is a subjective thing dependent on the HW forum used ... but I hear good more often than bios 4206 .

Regarding Tsipouro I suspected that it was "your Grappa " that I also distillate three times to avoid the methanol and get a crystal clear product (60-70% alcohol).
I drank ouzo , retsina and Raki very often ... on the hill above Patras there was a huge wine cellar with wine barrels dedicated to the great men of history and here i ate suvlaki .. (once I must ate twelve suvlaki ... because I could not say eight in greek ), but the memories are faint because escape after two weeks of honeymoon because of that day...07/08/1974 .. was the war to Turkey ... I remember I did the Corinth - Patras -Athens motorway but there was only me on the road and that night the lights went out in Athens ! Then I came back ten years later to Mykonos and then again in Rhodes, ... all beautiful the which city do you live ?

sandro c .