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Prime X299-Deluxe BIOS 3501 (Win11 compatibility) doesn't boot after update

Level 8
After installing the latest Version 3501 BIOS that has Windows 11 support (TPM), my PC wouldn't boot. Powers on but nothing happens, no video output, nothing.

I was able to resolve the issue by using the CMOS clear button on the motherboard.

Anyway, once that was sorted out, my PC booted. But another oddity with Win10 checking for Windows 11 hardware compatible ... using "Check for Updates" it reports my PC as still NOT Windows 11 compatible. However, when I run the Microsoft Health Check for Win11, it reports my PC as ready for Win11?

Thought I'd pass this info along in case others got stuck with this BIOS update.

Cheers, Rob.

Level 7
BIOS should be UEFI
Drive should use GPT, not MBR
Disable CSM in BIOS, enable Secure Boot
Enable PTT/TPM in BIOS
Enable CPU Virtualization in BIOS (optional I think)