Hi Forum Rampage 4E,
Once again I have to answer to myself on my own tread, this time not for an update to better explain the problem, but to wonder if it's still worth writing in this forum.
Wonder if, in the last 4 weeks you realized that, of the 19 new and old tread, exposed front page forum, more than 60% (including my tread showing two answers but are always my!), Has not received any response .....like now.
Do not you think that this forum is losing interest, or at least that no interest to anyone giving help to the members in difficulty with their HW?
What is happening? ... Or all we do foolish or stupid questions that do not deserve answers, or no one person is able to give help in the forum yet?
And what Asus is doing in this regard ... is perhaps waiting for us poor users of scrap "two years old", as soon as we throw away our Hw obsolete, in the hope that we rush to buy then the new Rampage5E- i7 5960 -DDR4 and Asus GT 970 or whatever .... to be worthwhile to take care of us yet?
From twenty-seven days I waited for a replay to my tread which fortunately for me not so severe as to lock the PC, which was read by more than 160 members from all but ignored in the answers: I can deduce that maybe I wrote nonsense of no interest or no is able to give answers, so I had to apply to the Forum Corsair, and other forums but receiving dozens of replays after less than 24 hours.
Where is the forum where I was writing enthusiastically in September 2012 to ask if I had to RMA my RIVE just bought, like the Asus-EU asked me, .... and quickly five or six members, which have reassured me that everything was OK?
That forum does not exist anymore!
If the forum has remained short of these personalities as were those of 2012, active members and very competent, should not be a big problem for a Company as Asus, that after using for years this Forum as a giant "TEST SITE FREE", now could hire some technical advisors, (... and I am sure that it has very good), which responds to our questions, or unfortunately .... we must admit that this forum is dead!
By now it is useless to answer to tread, that has long since been solved ... but certainly not with the help of this forum!
What do you think about,... dear surviving members of this forum?
Greetings to all, by a member no longer entusiastic..and excuse my English.
sandro c