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Please help with Asus Crosshair V Formula

Level 7
Good day. I'm not a natural english speaker, so please bear with me if I wrote something strange.
I´m building my first real gamer PC. About a year ago, I make a PC with a low-budget Gigabyte motherboard, a Athlon II X3, two Kingston hyper X (1333 4g) RAMs and a HD 6870 XFX. This pc runs fine, I have played skyrim (moded) dead space and some other games on high with it, but I wanted more.
So I bought a Asus Crosshair V Formula, a FX 8350 black edition (bios 1703), two Corsair Vengeance (1600 8g) and was hoping to use the same HD 6870, at least for some time. I have used an SSD ADATA S510 (120g sata 6). The PSU is a XCASE (800 watts atx)

The installation of the OS runs fine, I've even installed avast and some programs. Finally I installed skyrim, the game runs, but after a short time (about 2-3 min.) the motherboard beeps (one, short) and the PC crashes.
I´ve tried with other games, with the same results. Even worst, the same happens with videos (after a short time, the PC beeps (one, short), freezes, then crashes)

So far I've tried with diferent RAM, update the catalyst for the HD 6870, tweaking the fan speed, changing the video card from one port to another, with the same results.

I have a pretty normal case, with 4 fans. Nothing is overclocked or anything.

It's my first gaming PC, and I was very happy with it... can someone help me please?

Level 15
Bienvenido a los foros de Republic of Gamers, Sedius.

Una pregunta nada mas. Tu fuente de poder XCASE es nueva o es la misma que usabas en tu PC anterior?

Hola! Gracias por responder. Es la misma fuente. Crees que no de suficiente voltaje? Me han recomendado subirle el voltaje al procesador, pero en esto momento estoy tratando de pedir prestada otra tarjeta de video para hacer pruebas.

Level 15
Es dificil decir con exactitud si es la fuente. Hay que tomar en cuenta varios factores: Que es una fuente generica, y ya esta usada (No se hace cuanto tiempo que la tienes), y ademas el FX8350 consume unos 70W mas que un Athlon.

Lo primero que probaria es la fuente. Asi que te serviria mas prestar una fuente de poder buena para probar. Asi descartas si el problema es la fuente.

Level 10
I'm running a CHV with a Phenom and HD 6870, can't help much though, as I have no idea what Chino said lol

My thoughts would go to the installation of the ventirad, have you tried reseating it? It may be a thermal problem.

Level 7
Thanks for your answers. Chino said it might be the psu, since it's used. I've used it for at least a year (plenty), and in further inspection, I noticed it "cracks" if the system stress. It sounds like "little sparkling" or something (forgive me, for I lack a better expresion)
I shall buy a new PSU and post my results. Meanwhile, do you think my problem might be due overheat? Short beep, system start to turn slow (or crashes alright)? Today I do some test, and the system have problems whit multi-tasking (curious sound from the PSU, system slows...)
At this point, I just want to believe the processor is alright. What do you think?

Level 15
I don't think it's overheating. If it was it'd automatically shut the system down, but yours is freezing. There shouldn't been any cracking sound coming from the PSU. As a precaution, you shouldn't use that PSU anymore. Your CPU should be alright since it's still working but if you continue using it under these circumstances, something bad might happen to it.

This reminds me of a case where an user was using a generic PSU (Edge) with his HD5770 just fine. But when he upgraded it to a HD7850, he'd get major lags and eventually freeze. In the end, the problem was with his PSU.

Level 10
I agree with Chino there, I was going from the "the motherboard beeps (one, short) and the PC crashes" part.
Thinking it would start up, and crash as soon as it started pushing a little.

It could well be a faulty PSU, for what you have in the box, a good (Corsair/CoolerMaster etc...) 750W would be sufficient.

I would be interested to see an image of the PSU details (normally found on a sticker on one face of the PSU.
If it is this one : 16328

Only 27A and 24A on the two 12V rails I find a little bit "not enough" (I have only one 12v rail on mine, but it runs at 105A)

Level 7
Yes, that's the same I got. I´m looking for some good new psu, so far I've checked prices for the same that Granger uses (since I want to use crossfire in the future). I´ll go for a good brand this time.
In games, it crashes downright after 2-3 minutes. In videos and some other programs (ACDSee, etc.) it runs for a while, at some point, the motherboard beeps, the system freezes a little, normalizes, keep running a little more, repeat--- until it finaly just freezes until rebooted. Sometimes crashes alright instead of a final freezing.

Level 15