I have a Crosshair V Formula and a Phenom II X4 970BE. I was able to OC from the stock freq., 3.5GHz, to 3.91Ghz by just messing with the multiplier and the CPU Voltage. I have a multiplier set at 19.5x and the voltage set at 1.465. My max temp under a 100% load is 47 'C. Also, I have NB Frequency, HT Link, RAM set to Auto, and I disabled all the power saving features because I wanted to get those out of my way. I'm stuck at 3.91 GHz; I can't not go any further. Even at 1.5 volts, I can't get it to run stable at 3.99 GHz. Now, I have been looking through many forums on the internet. I saw that many people can get this Phenom X4 970BE to even 4.1 GHz or 4.0 GHz easily. So, I would like to ask people who are good at OCing give me suggestions on how to do that.
Best wish.
CPU: Phenom II X4 970BE @3.91 GHz
Mobo: Crossshair V Formula (Bios Firmware: 1402)
Cooling: Cooler Master Hyper Plus 212
GPU: HD 6850 1GB 2-Way Crossfire
RAM: 2 x 1GB OCZ SLi-Ready
2 x 2GB Potrait Matrix
@1600 MHz 8-8-8-24 1T
PSU: Corsair TX680 W
Case: Cooler Master Haf-X
HD: Western Digital Green Cavier 500GB
SSD: Intel SSD 80GB