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Overclock Failed message???

Level 7
I've gotten the "Overclock Failed" message intermittently after pushing the reset button. I'm assuming that my settings are actually fine but I was hoping that someone here could tell me what exactly causes this message to be shown and what exactly this message actually means.

Is it actually sensing bad settings?


Rampage IV Extreme (BIOS 4206)
i7 3930K @ 4.5GHZ
4Gx8|GSKIL F3-17000CL9Q2-32GBZH

Level 40
That message is very often the RAM OC failing...might be a bit of instability there. How are you running it...XMP or manually set up?

Have a look at some of the suggestions for voltage and DIGI+ settings at the end of this post..they might help...

Level 40
Share your OC and the key voltages and frequencies you have used.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Level 7
Thanks Arne and HiVizMan.

It's actually not a current problem I'm trying to solve. It's only happened a couple times in the past after pushing the reset button while the OS was starting to load. I was just hoping to educate myself as to what causes this message and why. Can this message appear if the system resets too fast? Can you tell me what exactly can cause this message?

Thanks again!

Here's My OC info:
Ai = Manual (Used all the values from XMP 1 except VCCSA which XMP sets to 1.25)
By all cores = 45
Mem Freq = DDR3-2133MHz
VCORE = Offset + 0.010 (Gives me 1.304 @ 45)
VTT CPU = 1.05
2nd VTT = Auto
VCCSA = 1.100 (Manual)
DRAM = 1.650
PLL = 1.80000

CPU LLC = Regular
CPU Current Cap = 130%
CPU Voltage Freq = Auto
VRM OV = Auto
Power Phase Cont = Extreme (Greyed Out)
VCORE Boot = Auto
VCCSA LLC = Regular
VCCSA Current Cap = 120%
VCCSA Fixed Freq = 300
VCCSA Boot = Auto

Level 40
Well, that looks fine to me....very similar to my own....I have LLC on med just to give a kick if needed....and current capability I have at 120% for everything...this allows me to set phases to optimised (instead of extreme...that's why that option is greyed out for RAM).

If it happens again try setting VTT and VCCSA a touch higher....1.125 for example. Do you have Rampage tweak mode set? I have mode 2 for 2133.

Level 7
Hi Arne,

Thanks for taking the time to share your wisdom. This is my first build and first OC. I'm very happy with it but I've had to do a lot of self educating so your advice is gold to me.

I have Rampage Tweak 1 set as recommended by G-Skill. What's the difference between 1 and 2?

I lowered my Current Capability to 120 and switched to optimized as well. Also, do you think its OK that my VTT is lower than my VCCSA?

This forum, the guides and the videos that Asus puts out have really helped.


Level 40
Hmmm wisdom I don't know:o...just had to go through the process you have been fact still learning every day...

And there you go you see...I don't know exactly what difference tweak mode 1 and 2 have I just went with Raja's recommend on that one "mode 2 for DDR 2000+ or 64GB". Though my particular kit works on mode 1 or auto just the same...

Again the VTT and VCCSA I know the recommendation is to keep same or similar and within 0.3v of as long as there is not too much difference. I have mine set the same.

I am/was in the same boat as you...the guides on the forum are a great start and then off you go and experiment on your own....all good fun.:)

Level 40
I would increase the VCSSA a little and use medium for LLC. Other than that you look good to go.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Level 7
Thanks again Arne And HiVizMan.

I have amended my settings based on your suggestions.

When testing for VCCSA am I correct in dropping it till I crash then raising it a couple steps then running memtest86 and then Aida64 to test for stability?

Do either of you guys know the details of the OC failed message?

Level 40
The VCCSA yes, more or less....just depends on how you test it a bit of course...something RAM heavy and then yes, up a couple of notches but remember to keep it within 0.3v of vcore even if it appears you can run it lower.

The "details" I'm not sure exactly what you mean ....I presume this means just what it says and that something in the settings has resulted in instability and the board is warning you of that. It is saying the last POST failed. It is a typical result of unstable RAM but might be something interrupting the last POST pressing buttons;)