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Not Enough USB Controller Resources on Maximus VI Extreme Borad

Level 7
Dear all,

I am running Flight Simulator X under Windows 8.1 on this newly purchased board. However, I got a "Not Enough USB Controller Resources" error when more than a dozen USB devices (some via hubs) are attached to it.

To eliminate the issue, I have no choice but to disable the Intel xHCI Mode option from the BIOS setting.

However, all USB 3.0 ports now downgraded to USB 2.0.

Anyone encounter the same problem?

How can this Controller Resources issue be fixed without disabling the USB 3.0 capability?

Appreciate it very much.


Level 40
LOL Tom I looked at this last night and just had a giggle. More than a dozen? I was not able to even imagine what all you had connected.

The key here is that unless you are running powered hubs your voltage rail is going to take strain and will fail. It is all about the voltage requirements and USB3 has different specifications. I think that is why you do get the USB2 to work when you disable the xHCI mode.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

I got 7 Flight Instrument Panels, 1 Multipanel, 1 Radio Panel, 1 Switch Panel, 1 Cessna Yoke, 1 Cessna Rudder, 1 TPM Control, 1 Trim Wheel, and 1 Quadrant. They account to 15 already, not to mention other general usb devices.
All these flightsim gears are plugged into three Electricity Powered USB 3.0 Hubs. The power supply should be enough, I guess.
Don't know if the problem is caused by Intel's USB 3.0 driver or the Windows 8.1.

Level 40

That setup is a thing of beauty my friend.

USB3 is not something I am particularly found of, and have had so many hassles with the protocol in the past. I am sadly not able to offer any meaningful advice beyond what you have done.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Thank you, HiVizMan. Will keep searching and looking for other help.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Level 7
tomtsui wrote:
Dear all,

I am running Flight Simulator X under Windows 8.1 on this newly purchased board. However, I got a "Not Enough USB Controller Resources" error when more than a dozen USB devices (some via hubs) are attached to it.

To eliminate the issue, I have no choice but to disable the Intel xHCI Mode option from the BIOS setting.

However, all USB 3.0 ports now downgraded to USB 2.0.

Anyone encounter the same problem?

How can this Controller Resources issue be fixed without disabling the USB 3.0 capability?

Appreciate it very much.


I found your message searching for a solution. I managed to solve the problem for myself and thought I'd circle back in case you hadn't solved the problem yet and for anyone else experiencing the same issue.

The solution for me was to plug in the EZ_PLUG_2 (old style 3.5" floppy power connecter) this is on page 1-45 of the manual... and states the following. "Connect a 4-pin power cable to the EZ_PLUG_2 to provide a stable power supply to the back IO ports."

Prior to plugging in power to the port I was experiencing the error message every time I booted. I have yet to receive the error since plugging it in...

Level 11
Have you plugged in the extra power connections, it does state this in Manual if your using a lot of I/O devices on rear panel (similar to the extra PCI-E connectors).

Level 7
Thanks Crasch and jh30uk for the information.
Haven't tried to plug in the extra power yet as I have downgraded from Win 8.1 back to Win 7 since there were various compatibility issues between flight simulation and the new Windows. Also have disabled USB 3.
But will definitely try your suggestion later to see if the problem solved in my case.
Thanks again

Level 11
Hi Tom, guess it wasn't a surprise to see you here!

As you know I have a ton of (25) of Saitek gadgets and I have just upgraded to a ROG Maximus 7 Formula board with a 4790k.

All of my devices were working fine before the upgrade, now I have the resources problem. Yes, I do use powered hubs.

Did you ever get it figured out?

Rick S.

Level 11
Disabling the xHCI mode fixed my problem Tom.

Rick S.