feyje2000@live.ca See if this will help you out. Its what HiVizMan was referring to I believe
3.10.5 USB BIOS Flashback
The USB BIOS Flashback allows users to update BIOS without entering BIOS or the operating system by using a USB flash disk drive under standby power.
1. Download the latest BIOS program file from the ASUS website.
2. Extract and rename the BIOS image file to R4E.ROM.
3. Copy R4E.ROM to the root directory of the USB flash disk drive.
4. Turn off the system and connect the USB flash drive to the ROG Connect port (the white USB 2.0 port) at the rear panel of the motherboard.
5. Hold the ROG Connect button until the BIOS LED begins to blink, then release.
6. Wait until the LED stops to blink, then the BIOS flash is completed.
But to boot the USB drive for it to read the R4E.ROM file you need to create a bootable flash drive in FAT32 format. If you have another computer running Windows 7 you could use diskpart in command prompt or through Windows Explorer. By right clicking on the removable disk under Computer ( My Computer ) and click on FORMAT . You will get a Format Removable Disk window make sure you choose FAT32 under File system and check quick format so it could format fast along with Create a MS-DOS startup disk . Click start and it should format the flash drive to FAT32 and make it bootable.
Note: Make sure yo backup your flash drive before formatting. If you want to keep the stuff that were in the Flash drive before you loose them in the format.
Created by DaemonCantor and Adam