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New build MVIF

Level 7
Hi building my first intel rig in a few years (last one was a Celeron 300c slot one)lol....wondering if there is anything I should know before I start tips tricks whatever B)? thanks in advance for any help.

MVI Formula
gskills 2x8GB @ 2400
Samsung ssd 840 pro
WD black 750gb
corsair ax 850
corsair h100i
6950 dcII shaders unlocked ....temporary
corsair C70 case
GSkillz 8g 1600
Asus 6950 DCII /shaders unlocked
WD Black 1g sata
Cosair AX850

Level 7
Ha nice way to go bro.Be sure to set up your system,do a stress test(or two 😄 ) to see if everything works fine and then try your little tricks.Asus mobos VI works fine with 4770k.
MB:MVI-H,CPU:i7-4770k,GPU:GTX670 Gigabyte,RAM:Corsair vengeance Pro 16MB 1600C9,
CPU cooler:Corsair H80i,PSU:Tagan piperock series 1300w =Happy Gamer!

Level 40
The key is to take it slow. Seriously to many folks are so keen to get started and get their new system up and running that they rush and make basic mistakes.

Methodical and careful. If at all possible wear an untistatic band.

Visulise your build and the sequence of your build before you start. Think about cable management before you start and not as an after thought. So look to layer your cables under the motherboard for USB headers and sound.

But over all just enjoy the process.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Level 7
Well it went together great no problems at all. Windows install went flawless from usb drive so far install set up great is great no problems it all worked great the first time.
GSkillz 8g 1600
Asus 6950 DCII /shaders unlocked
WD Black 1g sata
Cosair AX850

Level 40
There we go. You know I often say to folks (talking about OCing) that the journey is more pleasure than the outcome. I think building a system is like that too. The expectation of the finish, will it all work. A job well done and all that sort of thing. Just adds to the whole process.

Post up some images of your build mate.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.