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New BIOS for the Sabertooth Z87

Level 7
Has anyone flashed to this bios 1707 yet? I go by the modo if it isn't broken don't mess with it.

My system runs perfect on 1603. I have updated all the drivers that has new updates.


Level 7
Here this is what mine looks like in the bios. I believe yours is acting correctly.

Thank you I feel like I'm getting somewhere. I'm attaching what mine looks like. The difference is my assist fan button is set on standard and as you can see in the picture, the asst_fan2 RPM is 4563 and the asst_fan1 is 462 which is actually what the cpu_opt_fan reading is above that. Same with yours. Your asst_fan1 reading matches the cpu_opt_fan reading. This can't be how it was meant to work or maybe I'm misunderstanding something. It seems as if cpu_opt_fan is also being read on the asst_fan1 line. And, if you press F7 to open the advanced menu and go to the 'Monitor' sections, you can then see all fan speeds correctly, including both assist fans. When I saw your picture attachment, I did try setting mine like yours to see if I would get the same results as you and I did. It is confusing me as to why with it set to Standard, the asst_fan2 shows it's correct RPMs, but asst_fan1 shows the cpu_opt_fan RPMs. And with it set to Fan-off like you have it, asst_fan2 shows N/A just as it should, but asst_fan1 continues to show the option cpu fan speed. I'm assuming that you have a fan plugged into the cpu_opt on the motherboard like I do. If you unplug that and go to the bios, asst_fan1 will then say N/A.


Level 7
That's crazy that the assist fan 2 has that high of an rpm. That fan must be buzzing like carzy. The assist fans are very loud. that's why I turned them off. My water pump is plugged into the cpu fan and the radiator fans are plugged into cpu opt fan

Level 7
Yeah it is a crazy speed, but they are small fans and the rpm is probably suitable for those to push and pull air enough to do any good at all and is probably the reason they can be loud. My whole concern was how they are read and reported in the bios. It seems you have the same thing going on with the asst_fan1 reading so at least I can be fairly certain that the hardware on my board isn't faulty and there is some quirk in the software bios. Both asst_fan1 and asst_fan2 should be taking readings from those little assistant fans. It should not be that one takes a reading from an assistant fan and the other takes a reading from the fan that is on cpu_opt. That would make no sense considering you can already see the cpu_opt fan reading above the assist fan readings in the screenshots. I appreciate your taking the time with your input and screenshot curban 🙂 Was a big help...

Anytime you have any questions send me a message. Hopefully, I can help. I've been at this a long time. Take care.

Level 7
I updated to the 1707 and it takes around 7 hours to boot up now.
I rang Asus and they tried to get me to do a Flashback to the shipped version July2013 1007, and I did,
but it still takes around 7 hours to boot up.
On a new Samsung SSD. W8.1 Pro
GTX 780
16Gb XPG Ram.
So I tried to Update again to 1707, but I am still waiting.
Will call Asus back today.
I know a way for Manufactures to prevent any of this ever happening again to any customer, but I dont like to keep giving million dollar ideas away. No chance.
I would rather buy a new motherboard.

Level 7
I think the problem was I altered a setting in the bios I shouldnt have, and the new bios is having trouble running because of it.
After waiting an hour at the initial Bios screen a message popped up on a black screen saying

BIOS is updating.
Do not shut down or reset the system to prevent system bootup failure.

My problem is, that usually after an hour or so I think it will never get better and I try something else.
Haswell i7. Hours to reboot. Who would have thought. :confused:

Level 40
Rogerthat1945 are you able to do a USB bios flashback or update similar to that in the link found in my sig? I do not have the TUF boards so can not test this myself. But I think your bios is corrupted and a bios flashback will sort it out. Check out the link and see if you can do it.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

HiVizMan wrote:
Rogerthat1945 are you able to do a USB bios flashback or update similar to that in the link found in my sig? I do not have the TUF boards so can not test this myself. But I think your bios is corrupted and a bios flashback will sort it out. Check out the link and see if you can do it.


But an idea/solution I have would be better.
Someone may have thought of it already; but nowhere is it being done anywhere in the world .
Not sharing the idea unless someone can help make it worth our while. 50/50. And thereafter.

Level 7
in 1707 something broken in cpu core voltage offset.
system unstable, include optimized bios config (stable if set fix core voltage).
also get my first clock frize (fixed reset by jumper on warm psu).
swithed back to 1603.