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Need some assistance troubleshooting error 55 issue with my Asus Gene-Z

Level 7

Asus Maximus Gene-Z
2600k (slight OC to 4.2) with Thermalright Macho.
16GB of Gskill ram
Corsair AX750 PSU.

Randomly, my system will restart and then the error 55 will show up on the LED on the motherboard. Which normally means memory missing or not compatible. I've had this system up and running since Dec 2011 with very little issues till now.

The problem is each vendor I reach out to is passing the blame... Gskill says its the motherboard... Intel says it's memory... I contacted Asus chat and has a less than stellar experience.

I've tested each memory stick 1 at a time in the A2 slot, boots fine. However, put all the sticks back in and the random reboots happen. I've run the Windows Memory Diagnostic, and results come up as normal.

I'm not looking to be mad or point fingers. I just want to find out which component is causing my issue and resolve it systematically.

Anyone been through this kind of issue and how did you resolve it?

Level 13
Hi Djgizmo welcome to ROG

Check this out and test 1 stick of ram at a time.

Also are you running the ram in XMP mode and a what speed?

Level 7
Hi meankeys,

I'll review the link right now.

Yes, running in the default XMP mode for my ram which is 1600

Level 7
Well, ran memtest for 7 hours, 0 errors. Suggestions?

Try setting up your ram manually with one stick then install the other three, sometimes xmp mode can make your machine unstable. If this doesn't fix you up, looks like the cpu or mobo is causing the error.

Level 7
i used to boot up my cpu to enter o.s by leaving the cpu on for 20 to 40sec to 1 min then press reset button..

then on the led error code started to run different codes thus entering o.s...when i got to o.s i used the pc normally with out any problem..

but do i have to do this step over and over again..sometimes im getting hdd checkups now same on my sdd because it started to

destroyed my hdd last time..good thing wd rma and replace my hdd i dont want to do this all the time as i suspect it can ruin my sdd aswell

.PS. i use my computer normally which means i checked my cpu through prime! and run it with no errors which means my cpu / ram(memtest)

has no problem!..very disappointed ROG mobo user! SOLUTION RMA THE MOBO! same error code across the forum '55'
Asus Maximus IV Gene Z
Intel i5 2500K
Prolimatech Super Mega HSF
XFX 850W Black Edition 80plus silver
Sapphire ATI 6870 CFX
Gskills Ripjaw X F3-17000 4GBRL DDR3 2133Mhz
WD 640 Black Cavair
WD 1T Blue Cav Sat 6Gps
Lexa S NZXT Midtower Case

Level 40
I would suggest using the intel stock cooler for a few days and see if that sorts the issue out. Often it is uneven pressure or over tightening of the cooler that can cause the error code.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

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