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Need help properly OC'ing my M5A99FX Pro R2.0 with AMD 8350

Level 7
ok.. so, yeah... I have been using the EZ mode and just using ASUS Optimized.. would like to get better performance...

someone able to help?

thank you
"Better to try and Fail, then not try at all" ~ Michael Jordan
favorite YouTuber - KDSTech -

Level 7
Here is where I am at so far.. please let me know if something looks out of sorts at all.. and if I should change something...


"Better to try and Fail, then not try at all" ~ Michael Jordan
favorite YouTuber - KDSTech -

Level 7
ok.. those above settings caused blue screen.. ug.... I'm back to stock settings and frustrated. 😞
"Better to try and Fail, then not try at all" ~ Michael Jordan
favorite YouTuber - KDSTech -

Leave everything as is and lower the cpu target speed to 4200 MHz., and see if you still get the Blue Screen. I would not add any more cpu voltage as you are at 39c in the BIOS. See how that goes.

Level 7
Have a look at this video

Level 7
ok.. few things..

i set everything back to stock, basically giving up. 😞 then i started getting weird windows messages saying that "system performance is low..." i had nothing OC'd... GPU, CPU, RAM.. nothing... so.. i decided to see if it was some weird driver issue ( is that even possible??? ) and i reformatted the drive... deleted my back ups and started afresh.

Brand new install of windows 7 professional and trying to see if i can get things sorted...

first question.... is it possible that my RAM is causing the issue??? i have 32 GB ( 4 x 8GB ) 2133 G.Skill 9-11-11-31 i do see this particular ram isn't on the mem list for the M5A99FX PRO R2.0 nor is it on the list for the New MB i just got today the Crosshair V Formula Z.

second question ... what else could be causing "system performance low" errors???

my 8350 is only 45 days old, and hasn't been pushed... i can't see that being bad... ???? I will say that prime95 always has core 6 as the one that fails under the test.. even at stock settings...

third question... if my RAM is ok to use, should i be going into bios and manually setting it the way i have been? i have been setting it to 2133 with the latency settings inputted to 9 11 11 31 instead of the numbers it posts.

im really trying to get a handle on what's going on here.

while i know it might be a waste of time, i would really like to figure out what's wrong with my current setup BEFORE i swap to the C5Fz. im kinda particular like that.

any input will be appreciated.. thanks
"Better to try and Fail, then not try at all" ~ Michael Jordan
favorite YouTuber - KDSTech -

Level 7
one other thing to note.. before I was getting the "system performance low" messages in windows, I had tried the ASUS Optimized setting.. that also failed Prime95... so.. yeah.. something isn't right...

I did try pulling two sticks of the RAM and going to just 16 GB ( which I don't want to do because I like to use AMD RAMDisk for SWToR )...
and even with two sticks, same problems..

"Better to try and Fail, then not try at all" ~ Michael Jordan
favorite YouTuber - KDSTech -

Level 7
Clear your CMOS and start over Do not set anything on the easy screen this may cause issues with your OC in advanced mode try it with one stick of ram at a time in the a2 slot this will tell you if a stick is failing , if prime 95 is failing a core (it it could be a bad cpu) no matter how new it is . If you can`t find the m5a on the asus rog youtube channel just duplicate the settings for the Sabertooth 990 after all they are the same chipset .
so to answer your questions
1, yes it could be failing because of the ram ,

2 , There are only so many things that can cause this did it continue after the re install of windows ? but most likely if prime is failing your system it is going to be ram or cpu in your case , if it keeps doing it after re osing it if it did not keep doing it after re osing then the issue was software ,

3 , The answer to this question is always yes ! if you want to run any 990 fx mobo above 1866 you must change those settings or you will crash the system

Level 40
Hello there

Here is what I would do.

Clear CMOS and start over.

In bios switch to the advanced mode.

Set memory to DOCP and navigate to the XMP profile.

Now select your desired multiplier - please take it in small steps. 22x to start with.

Now navigate down to your voltages.

You had selected offset in the first screenshot. Fine do so again.


Now enter a value. You left it on auto which will not do anything.


F10 and enter.

Post to OS.

Open CPUz and see what your recorded voltage is when under load. Make a note of that and the temps your CPU runs at when you do some kind of 10min stress test.

Post back how it turned out.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.