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My Maximus and Download / Lan Problem

Level 7
Hi there,

iam a happy owner of this motherboard.
it have the actual 2012 bios.
Iam using Windows 8.1 german 64bit.
My problem is : Everytime i download a file which is bigger than 100-150mb - i have a problem. At 99% of the download it will be hang for 1-2 minutes and after then he finish the download, but the download file is corrupt.

So you now maybe say its not a problem of the motherboard but i think so. BEcause that what i had doing.
If i take another computer on this lan port physical = all is work fine.
But on my machine with the asus motherboard it will not work. So i install a virtual machine using vmware , i try a XP and Win 7 machine.
The Errors happens in the virtual machine too.
I try other drivers for my Lan Chip. Asus Website and from CD and Intel Website.... error stays.....
I deinstall my anti virus software. I deactivate Windows Defender. I changed registry settings, that no downloaded file with browser will have a virus check.
i try nearly 5 browsers..... error still there.
When i use a download manager like jdownloader it will work after 2-3 downloads of this file. Then is it ok. The first download there is everytime corrupt.
Hope dont forget something to say....hope for some ideas.....

Level 10
I guess you could try to boot up in safe mode with networking and download a file. If it still fails it could be that something in Windows is corrupt or maybe hardware related somehow.
One of my friends had a similar problem because his RAM was failing. It startet with downloads always getting corrupted and software installations failed. I remember he spend a day trying to install the Nvidia drivers because it kept failing, until the BSODs started a few days later and so on.

However, if it's somehow caused by corrupt system files you could try to run the SFC /SCANNOW command: or maybe a fresh install of Windows is necessary.

A last thing you could try is to use something like a WiFi dongle or a smartphone with network tethering and see if the problem persists.

Level 7
as i said, its no problem with the OS. Safe Mode with Networking is no option for Win8 i think.
SFC is all allright. Cause of the same problems on vmware machines, its for me that the problem is the lanchip on the mainboard.
All other is working fine since an half year. Only this problem since beginning.... And i make a lot with my pc.....
Thought its a problem of Bios or some other curious things. Cannot believe its a defect on lan port. Know there defects, but then the chip dont work anymore.
But another thing is, when i connect another pc per lan to the problem pc, i can copy 700mb from it without problems.
Iam now at a loss.

Safe mode with networking is an option in Windows 8:

However, if you don't believe it's Windows related in any way, then you should try to use something like a WiFi dongle or a smartphone with network tethering to see if the problem still persists. If this fixes the issue, then you know it's probably hardware related somehow.

Level 12
Welcome to the forums, Serpico
I don't think you have a hardware issue, the problem you are describing points to driver &/or software corruption or incorrect settings. First off lets clean out your temporary files. There are 2 methods, (1) goto your root drive (usually (C)) and right click Properties on the general tab, and click "Disk Cleanup" after it finishes scanning (may take awhile) click (OK). . . OR method (2) (preferred) download the free version of cCleaner from , (this is a popular and trusted application used by many people, and considered a must have next to security software if your not familiar with it). It's a small file (less than 6mb). I personally don't use any of the bundled add-ons included, so uncheck them and install cCleaner only, or scroll on down to the bottom of page and select the "builds page" and dowload it from there (this one has no bundled software included). Install and run cCleaner at default settings (may take awhile). After running cCleaner while its still open, go down the left hand column and right click each of the choices there (except the last 2) that doesn't have a check mark (but don't add a check mark) and select "clean". This will clean each category manually. Next "IF" and only "IF" you don't have your OS installed to an SSD, defragment your OS Installed HardDiskDrive. SSD's don't require (nor recommended) defragnenting. Now your file system should be fairly clean and organized. The next thing to check is the settings within "Internet Options", goto "Control Panel" and select "Internet Options" (if you haven't choosen to install "cCleaner") on the general tab click "Delete" in the browsing history and put a check mark in all boxes except the first one "Preserve Favorites" and click "Delete", you can uncheck them after it runs if you like, and then click on the "Security" tab. Click to highlight the "Internet" icon and then down to "Custom Level" and click. Match the settings here to what your other working computer has set (the computer that has no download problems). Also do this for the "Trusted Sites" icon.
I'm going to stop for now and see if you have any improvement.
I'll check back later.
Another note, please provide your "PC Specs" so we can help you better. 🙂

Not applicable
I am finding the exact same problem. I will also try these fixes as and when I get the chance to. Keep us updated please 🙂

Level 12
Continuing from my previous reply,
If no improvement yet, I recommend as "Nahrga" has said "run sfc /scannow" with the instructions provided in their reply.
Still no improvement? To start, have a copy of the Driver Installation files already saved on the computer for use after the next step and have the LAN Cable unplugged. Now let's uninstall the "LAN Drivers". Go to "Control Panel" and click on "Device Manager" and expand "Network Adapters". Right click and select "Uninstall". After uninstallation finishes, click cancel on any dialog boxes that may popup and reboot the computer. When the computer boots up it will ask to install the drivers, select "cancel" on any and all boxes and wait for OS to finish initializing. Now double click on the LAN Drivers file and install. After installation completes, reboot the computer. After the computer has booted up, OS fully initialized, plug the LAN cable back in. Is their any improvement yet.
If not, leave a reply. I'll check back later.

Level 7
That how fix whea uncorrectable or other issues i use it ages never had problems if os get corrupt
1. Mount the .ISO file by double clicking on it.

2. Open 'Windows Powershell' or 'Command Prompt' with Admin privileges (right click -> Run as Administrator)

3. Let's check the System Health first, by running these commands:

3.1 dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth

3.2 dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth

3.3 dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

4. I'm sure that 3.3 will give you an error stating that it could not perform the task. And now it's when the mounted ISO comes into play. Let's specify the file from the ISO so that we can fix it. Run the following command: (Notice that X must be the drive letter on which your system has mounted the ISO)

4.1 DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /source:WIM:X:\Sources\Install.wim:1 /LimitAccess

5. Now let's repair any damage in the system files, shall we?

5.1 sfc /scannow

WIN 7 Users might more unhappy on this

Not applicable
This is going to sound really silly now ... Playing about with my system and I decided to remove a lot of the bloat programmes from ROG and upon removing gamefirst III I found my download are working fine and dandy now 😄 worth a try if you have it on your system still?

Thanks for sharing your solution watermelonman_92, and it's not silly at all.
My suggestions were based upon my experience with older systems (non ASUS). I'll have to keep in mind that "gamefirst III" may be a common problem.