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MVG Q Code 20

Level 7
Hey guys,

I occasionally get this Q code when booting.

I'm running a 3770k with 4x4GB Crucial Ballistix 1866.

I have tried all the usual suggestions. Completely stripped the system checked the CPU socket and rebuilt. I have cleared and updated the BIOS and tried tuning VCCIO. I had this at 1.2v and VCCSA 1.1v.

With two DIMM's installed I get the same error 20 but as above, only occasionally.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Would be great to get it booting 100% of the time.


Thank you for posting your ram kit.

It is not a good idea to mix 2 kits even though they are rated at the same specs. Sometimes they don't play nice together. This could be what is going on here. it's always best to buy a single kit of the capacity you want, this will save you some headaches.

If you have XMP enabled, try setting up your ram manually, doing this might let the 2 kits work together better. I say might because there is no guarantee.

You could also try raising the Dram voltage a touch.

If none of this helps, you could get a G.Skill trident X kit, I can vouge they work without issues.

Thanks but as said in the previous post this happens with 1 kit installed too. It rules out the possibility of compatibility issues between the two kits.

The ram seems stable when stress tested no problems with IBT set to maximum. SuperPI 32M runs through without error too with all 4 dimms installed.

Any other suggestions?
