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Must Do's for making 4790K work with Maximus VI Motherboards

Level 7
The ASUS instructions are vague at best so here are clear instructions.

1. While you have a NON Devil's Canyon Processor installed, Upgrade the Management Engine Software to Version V9.5.15.1730 located under the CHIPSET Drivers (do it twice to make sure all the bits are upgraded).

2. Go to Programs and Features in your control panel and make sure you verify that ME 1730 is installed.

3. Reboot

4. Download the MAXIMUS VI FORMULA BIOS 1505 and BIOS updater located under the BIOS drivers and unzip the package to a directory on your hard drive.

5. Go to that directory and drill down to the directory called V2.00.02

6. Double-click on the UPDATE executable and follow the instructions completely (choose and install 1505 BIOS).

7. Reboot

8. The computer will post that you have to press "F1" to enter the BIOS.

9. Press "F5" for Optimized Defaults then "F10" to save settings and Reboot.

10. In Windows Verify that you have 1505 BIOS installed then shutdown your computer.

11. Install your Devil's Canyon Chip

12. Boot and Enter the BIOS and Press "F5" for Optimized Defaults then "F10" to save settings and Reboot.

13. Boot your computer... Success !

14. Now you can proceed to overclock to your heart's content.


Edit: See post #60 in this thread (linked below) for updating without a CPU using USB BIOS Flashback
167 REPLIES 167

Level 7
I don't see this:
Management Engine Software to Version V9.5.15.1730 in my system?
How do I install it? I have done a flashed to the latest BIO and no updates show up for MB or other drivers?

Level 7
No worries, installed the 4790k without a hitch. 🙂 Thanks to all that posted!

Hello guys... Can you help me please ...
Should I upgrade i7-4770k to i7-4790k
I have downloaded the 1603 cap "MAXIMUS FORMULA-VI-ASUS-1603.CAP" but I not renamed to M6f
I connected the first usb usb 2.0 to the left of the motherboard and I upgraded from bios with Asus EZ Flash 2 utility.
I done something wrong? Or okay?
What is ME version? is the Intel Management Engine Interface?
I need to install the one from Asus site V9.5.15.1730 ??
Sorry, I'm new ... and for my bad English .... there are too many pages to read for me ...

Level 7
Hi all , I have a new build with the i5-4790K. a local computer shop has a Intel Pentium G3258. Will this allow me to update my bios.
Thanks for your help in advance..

so upgrade the bios to the latest ok. talking about chipset stuff ok.. What if you have to format your hdd and reinstall windows. This cpu going to act up? because windows 7 doesnt have the latest.. is this board going to be a pain in the ___ with a 4790k? I have no issues dumping this for a new board i dont want problems when i turn this thing on day to day

tempest79 wrote:
What if you have to format your hdd and reinstall windows. This cpu going to act up? because windows 7 doesnt have the latest..


Windows should be a non-issue

ok ty! Wish me luck! ill post the results tmw

Praz wrote:

Windows should be a non-issue

Level 7
Hey again guys! i got another question and would love a good answer biggrin.gif this board is very complicated compared to my old boards, kay here it goes. How can i overclock my Pcie bus frequency ?? i don't even see anything in bios for it and would i need to increase certain voltages ?? and where /

Id like not to increase the cpu frequency in the same time pls.. just the Pcie frequency from 100 mhz to 130 mhz ??

Someone PLEASE help me.... I have built tons and tons of computers. This is the first time i have run into an issue like this. I have an Impact Vi that I am upgrading from 4670k to 4790k computer works great with the 4670k and with a spare G1820 i have thrown in for reference. I have updated Bios to 1603 (confirmed in windows and in BIOS) and i have run the IME installer a hundred times it seems like and it is showing in device manager and in programs as the when i install the 4790k i get the typical 00 qcode no post and CPU LED every time. I have thrown the celeron and i5 back in multiple times to make sure i havnt broken something and the only thing i can see that could be the issue is that in the BIOS the ME version is still showing as which i can only assume is what it shipped with. I know that the DC processors require the new IME. ITS INSTALLED JUST FINE IN WINDOWS but in BIOS shows the old or original version even though the BIOS version is the new one and everything else is there....

Does the BIOS need to show the new IME beside ME Version or is that unrelated? and if so how can i update it (other than the typical installer that i have run Multiple times and it is showing to have worked when in windows)

PLEASE HELP! this is getting very frustrating... Thank you in advance for any suggestions. I am not new to this but i am getting stumped currently.

Level 7
Curveball if anyone is reading this... i dug up another impact Vi i have from another build that i know has a dead PCIE lane. put 4790k in it hoooked up 12v and atx put one stick of ram in and guess what.... it posted. trying to move things around to get a monitor hooked up to it to find out if it is a different rev or possbibly bios / me / ime???? considering any options....