I just noticed there is a problem with the connector - to - socket pin key patterns.
The end of the cable that connects to the PSU socket matches the square and curved key pattern, however,
the other end that plugs into the mother board socket - only half of the connector matches the 8 Pin socket on the mother board.
The motherboard socket pattern is:
O [ ] [ ] O ( As seen looking into the connector )
[ ] O [ ] O
The cable pattern is:
O [ ] O O ( As seen from behind the connector as it would plug into the socket )
[ ] O O O
The other 4 Pin Mother board socket pattern is:
O [ ]
[ ] O
In summary, I have 2 cables with 8-Pin connectors that plug into the PSU fine, but the other side of the cables that plug into the mother board, only the left side of the connector matches the sockets on the mother board
Is it possible that if I plug in half of one cable connector into the 8 Pin socket and half of the other cable connector into the 4 Pin socket that the power requirements will be met?
This build could scar me for life...lol