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Maximus VII Hero voltage control help required

Level 8
So Im used to overclocking with x58 - that's the last time I upgraded prior to this.

The Bios and voltages are getting on my wick

There seems to be some inherent LLC even when I - as far as I can tell- have it turned off in the bios, I want to set my voltages at 1.31v for 4.8 on a 4790K

If i use manual it ends up closer to 1.33 and Offset and Adaptive are messing with my mind.

When I set an amount of offset and turbo voltage which equals 1.31v the cpu has drawn 1.4 and on one startling occasion nearly 1.5v before I pulled the plug (literally and very quickly) so i think I must be doing something wrong.

Offset yields better results through more predictable voltages but still will not give me any fine control and when i set the voltages at anywhere between 1.295-1.31v the board without fail pulls 1.328

I am finding it impossible to set up any kind of precision voltage control, am I doomed to have to run at 1.328, when all i need is 1.31? Is it me missing something glaring obvious or have I been stripped of that kind of fine control that I want with this board?

Advice, correction and everything else are requested and welcomed.

It's pretty frustrating isn't. I could understand it doing this in a semi automatic mode like offset, auto or adaptive, but manual is touted as giving full manual control with a pegged voltage and it just isn't the case at all. I want to have a board where setting a different llc level has an impact on the vdroop and secondly where the actual voltage delivered resembles (even a little bit) the one I set in bios. Im used to ROG boards being overclocking friendly and having precise functions and features, that's really what we pay for in a brand, but all I can say for certain is that my board does not deliver on that and it seems like I am not alone. 😞

mtrains wrote:
Sherrifjb, I see the same behavior on my set up. It behaves as though the CPU or the motherboard maps a range of Vcore values to one fixed value. If I set my manual Vcore anywhere between 1.150 and 1.200, it always uses 1.232 at load. I also haven't been able to figure it out.

It's pretty frustrating isn't. I could understand it doing this in a semi automatic mode like offset, auto or adaptive, but manual is touted as giving full manual control with a pegged voltage and it just isn't the case at all. I want to have a board where setting a different llc level has an impact on the vdroop and secondly where the actual voltage delivered resembles (even a little bit) the one I set in bios. Im used to ROG boards being overclocking friendly and having precise functions and features, that's really what we pay for in a brand, but all I can say for certain is that my board does not deliver on that and it seems like I am not alone. 😞

Level 8

Level 8
Thanks for the reply:)

I have tried offset as well, it still bumps up to the same voltage. The way I have had to work it is to drop the voltage set in bios down to 1.278, turn LLC off and reduce my clock speed to 4.7. ( to be stable). Even setting a large negative offset does not translate to an actual effect in the running voltages

This means the cpu is pulling pulling around 1.30, which is enough to keep it stable at 4.7, in fact it is a touch more than it requires but sadly isn't enough to keep it stable at 4.8, and i'm not comfortable running the chip at 1.328 for 4.8 as its too much and although the temps are excellent (high 50s to low 60s) its more voltage that I am comfortable pushing through for 24/7.

Its like the intel set VID is taking over no matter what or my LLC is broken and permanently switched on a high setting regardless of the in bios setting. Either that or its a faulty board, if it is I guess I should have not chosen a cheaper ROG board this time round.

Ah well

Level 10
I had the same miserable issue. no matter what i set the vcore at it bumped up during load. I cleared the cmos set vir to balanced disabled llc and also made these manual adjustments in the cpu turbo settings. Now my vcore does not budge and i am at 4.6 @ 1.150 on a 4790k asus maximus vii formula. let me know if this works for you..

ps: coming from a sandy bridge platform to this was like pulling my freaking teeth. took me five days to learn the bios again!!!

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free" R.R.

Can you please post screens with the voltage, llc and whatever else you changed regarding to voltages ?
I'm not yet clear with how this things work... I managed to get a stable pc and decent temps but I'm not sure I'm doing it correctly.

yes...give me 2 minutes.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free" R.R.

Level 10
in order...except turbo watt settings. these settings did it for me. Stopped that annoying vcore jump. This bios is flawed when it comes to the 4790k. The settings are way off and should be fixed imo. Try just setting to this & if you still have the issue reset cmos and input from there. Hope it works for you...








"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free" R.R.

digmeahole1 wrote:
in order...except turbo watt settings. these settings did it for me. Stopped that annoying vcore jump. This bios is flawed when it comes to the 4790k. The settings are way off and should be fixed imo. Try just setting to this & if you still have the issue reset cmos and input from there. Hope it works for you...









How did you do those bios screen dumps?