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Maximus VII formula series 4 pin and 8 pin ATX power connectors not working

Level 7

Hey there,

I've got my motherboard for a while now, but today out of no where my PC stopped working properly.

While I was away from it, the internal parts looked like there were running on low output while the peripherals stopped working all together.

I've done a force shutdown and when I tried to power it back up it stopped not even a second later, restarting by itself a couple of seconds after that and restarting the cycle.

I've gone through every cable and found that it does that when the 4 pin and 8 pin EATX12V are plugged in but it seems to run fine with only the 24 pin EATXPWR.

Was wondering if I really need those 2 or will it be fine without them? Or will I need to by new cables and test tem out to make sure it isn't because of the motherboard?