I was able to install Windows10 finally without the freezing behavior. The problem was driver issue. this is the order a made the installation.
Install Windows10 (obviously)
I don't configured the internet connection to avoid the drivers updates.
Chipset Win10 v11.0.0.1155
Asmedia SATA Controller Driver v3.1.6.0
Realtek Audio Driver v6.0.1.7525
Bluetooth_Win10 v12.0.1.650
NVidia (358.91-desktop-win10-64bit-international-whql)
Exhaustive test open, closing applications from the control panel (was a clean installation)
I was deactivated the page file on C:
Two drivers were missing In device Manager
SMBus Controller
Unknown Device
I try to find the drivers in the folder where are the download drivers from Asus website without luck.
I finally connected to internet and I select from device manager to search the driver of the Bus Controller over the internet. The driver was found from Intel and AsusTek and the two missing drivers were:
- Intel 9 Series Chipset Family SMBus Host Controlles - 8CA2 (for sure) v10.1.1.13 Intel
- AMDA00 Interface (I thinking in this because I'm not sure) v1.0.0.0 ASUS Tek Computer Inc.
The I tried to create an Disk Image using the Windows utility but the drive D (WD 2T) appears with the System "attribute" and the image from 22 Gb goes to almost a 1 Tb I don't know why the D appears with that attribute but I have to disconnect all my drives except C to create the clean image of the installation.
Now... do you know how to change this System attribute of the D drive? In the previously installation, some program files were installed there... but in the clean installation this supposed to be ignored because that software never were installed in this Windows installation.
The Led is off and when I boot from USB occasionally blink when the USB is accessed... the led works, the connections in the MoBo are correct, I disconnected and connected again the cables, the only thing I was unable to du, is to test led with a multimeter to check the continuity.
Let you know when I test the led. Maybe I had to disassemble the case to reach the led