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Maximus VI Formula game sounds through TS

Level 7
So i recently upgraded my system including a complete fresh OS install with the following components:

Maximus VI Formula (Bios 0714 Realtech driver
2 x GTX670 (in SLI)
240GB SSD.
Windows 7 64bit SP1 latest updates,
Ever since i have changed my MB i have found i have issues with both my in game sound coming through to team speak when i am in game.

I have ensured that stereo mix is disabled, and the only sound input is my MIC (headphones Razer melgladon 2.1)

I am using the front audio input (3.5mm jacks).

Noise gate and noise reduction have both been disabled, and I am at a loss as to what else to do to prevent the in game sounds coming through TS.

Other people i have spoken to on team speak have also said that they can hear them self talk when i have PTT active while they speak, however it is clear as day to them (as in not muffled at all crystal clear.

Has anyone found a solution or had a similar issue?

Level 7
Also to note, if I mute my microphone with the hardware mute switch on the headphones cable, they can still hear the audio going through my headphones.
ASUS Maximus VI Formula | Haswell i5 4670K | 8GB Kingston HyperX Beast
ASUS GTX770 DCII | ASUS VG278HE 27" 144Hz | OCZ Vertex 4 | Corsair 900D
Logitech G15 | Mad Catz R.A.T. 7 | Corsair 1300 | EKWB Loop

Level 7
Stupid question but you don't have the nvidia sound drivers installed do you? In the past, I've noticed funky sound issues occurring with them installed. Probably has nothing to do with it but it's worth a check.

Level 7
Just uninstalled the Nvidia HD Audio and the Nvidia Virtual Audio, no difference for me.

I have run an Nvidia card (GTX580) on a system with onboard sound (G1.Sniper M3 with Creative Recon 3Di) and have not had this issue before.
ASUS Maximus VI Formula | Haswell i5 4670K | 8GB Kingston HyperX Beast
ASUS GTX770 DCII | ASUS VG278HE 27" 144Hz | OCZ Vertex 4 | Corsair 900D
Logitech G15 | Mad Catz R.A.T. 7 | Corsair 1300 | EKWB Loop

Changed a bunch of settings basically making sure that the speakers/headphones were hard set to speakers/headphones and that the microphone was hard set to the microphone in Windows Sound and in TS3. This slightly helped. I then plugged the headphones/microphone into the rear jacks again, and this has fixed the issue for now. Problem is, the headphone amp isnt on the rear outputs. One of the big selling points for this board over the hero was the sound card and the headphone amp, which both are an issue if I use the front audio jacks.
ASUS Maximus VI Formula | Haswell i5 4670K | 8GB Kingston HyperX Beast
ASUS GTX770 DCII | ASUS VG278HE 27" 144Hz | OCZ Vertex 4 | Corsair 900D
Logitech G15 | Mad Catz R.A.T. 7 | Corsair 1300 | EKWB Loop

Level 7
Comments ASUS? It would be nice to know someone is looking at the issue.
ASUS Maximus VI Formula | Haswell i5 4670K | 8GB Kingston HyperX Beast
ASUS GTX770 DCII | ASUS VG278HE 27" 144Hz | OCZ Vertex 4 | Corsair 900D
Logitech G15 | Mad Catz R.A.T. 7 | Corsair 1300 | EKWB Loop