09:23 AM
- last edited on
09:56 PM
08-18-2013 08:21 PM
08-18-2013 09:06 PM
Samurai_dk wrote:
Hi all, quick noob question, i purchased Corsair Vengeance Pro CMY16GX3M2A2133C11R 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3 11-11-11-27 RAM for my ROG Formula VI board, i was wondering whether anyone else has purchased this ram and whether they have had any issues? Im bumping up the CPU to 4.2.Ghz using the AI suite and in turn the RAM speed seems to match but i do get a random crash every few hours. I have set the RAM at frequ 2133MHZ in the BIOS.
another question - is it recommended to run the CPU at constant 4+ ghz by disabling CPU stepping? (cpu is cooled by corsair h100i closed loop waterblock)
many thanks
08-18-2013 09:14 PM
gdubc wrote:
I prefer to have my processors step down when not needed. That's the benefit of running offset voltage with speed stepping. Use less power/produce less heat when the pc is at idle.
Did you put the ram timings in yourself, or use an xmp profile? If you used xmp profile, maybe try re entering them manually to make sure they are right. Sometimes the motherboard may not read the ram timings correctly using the xmp ram profile.
08-19-2013 08:08 AM
08-19-2013 12:37 PM
08-19-2013 03:51 PM
Fred Fuchs wrote:
I was able to refuse my package from the second shipment of flawed (and price hiked) C1 boards and Newegg has accepted my RMA and issued a refund.
08-19-2013 06:50 PM
Samurai_dk wrote:
Thanks for the reply, after reading a bit on this forum i will have go back to the BIOS and tweak some settings. I don't think I have set the memory on XMP (first thing i will check when I get home) and check the voltage is set at 1.5v.
I will leave the processor stepping alone, I want to push the CPU somewhere around 4.2/4.5 stable so hopefully the new found information from the guides will help. I will post my results.
zk1mpls wrote:
Quick question: Is there a setting to switch on to turn on the built-in headphone amplifier? Or is it turned on by default?
So far I'm liking the new AI Suite Interface. Much more handy than the one on the Maximus V Formula. 🙂
08-19-2013 06:16 PM
08-19-2013 07:42 PM
08-19-2013 08:36 PM
AboutToExplode wrote:
How do I know if I have a C2 revision board or something else?? This is my CPU-Z report http://valid.canardpc.com/2893684
Also, in my Bios under "" South Bridge Stepping "" it says 05/C2 is this what you are looking for guys?