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Maximus VI Formula Discussion Thread

Level 13
Maximus VI Formula Overview and Discussion Thread

The Maximus VI Formula should be available to purchase in a few weeks. A motherboard many have been waiting for, and for good reason. Plenty of cool features on offer, we won't go into them all, but have picked out some of the salient ones for you to check out below:

Board layout and features at a glance:

Gaming Features


The Maximus VI Formula sports a specialized audio solution called SupremeFX. Based on Realtek’s latest ALC1150 chipset, the Cirrus Logic DAC and the TPA6120 headphone amplifier and an optimized PCB layout - isolating PCB layers and spacing sensitive traces away from other areas of the motherboard. Shielding is also utilized to minimize spurious noise from entering signal lines. High quality capacitors are used for power supply decoupling to minimize ripple and provide a low impedance at audio critical frequencies. The end result is a 120dB SNR, placing the Maximus VI Formula's onboard audio solution on par with the best discrete soundcards available.

On the software side, the latest addition to the package is Sonic Radar:

The Sonic Radar GUI

Sonic Radar is a HUD that is useful in FPS games. It shows a visual representation of where sounds are coming from. The location of footsteps, gunshots, explosions and anything else is shown in the 360 degree HUD while gaming:

BF3 – Sonic Radar showing direction of audio effects

The HUD can be made more transparent and its location on the screen changed. Sonic Radar very useful feature when gaming with stereo headsets, where surround effects are simulated and may not be easy to pinpoint.

On the subject of headsets, Perfect Voice has been added to improve the clarity of VOIP calls. It’s a software based filter that uses digital signal processing to remove noise pickup from your mic while making a call:

DSP helps reduce ambient noise for clearer comms

Perfect Voice works with any plug in microphone/headset to clean up voice transmission during calls.


With high density memory modules and kits becoming the norm, many of us have an abundance of free memory on our systems that never gets utilized. ROG RAM Disk has been coded to take advantage of that free space to help speed up the system.


Unlike many free RAM drive tools, ROG RAM DISK has no size limitations – up to 80% of the free memory (not used by the OS) can be configured as a RAM drive.

To get you an idea of how fast a RAM drive is, check the screenshot below:

10000 MB/s sequential write speeds

Applications stored on ROG RAM DISK are written to hard storage (HHD/SSD) when the system is prompted for shutdown.

Of course, re-installing games to the RAM DISK would be a painful experience. That's why ROG RAM DISK has a feature know as Junction Mode.

Setting a junction point to a game folder allows critical game files to be transferred to the RAM DISK without interfering with the original installation. Just point the software at the game folder and it will take care of the rest. This way, critical files such as maps can be accessed directly from the RAM DISK, speeding up load times.

Discussing features is fine, but what really matters for many users in knowing a board can overclock and run stable. How about 24 hour stability testing? Here's a few screenies from JJ, showing the Maximus VI Formula running different memory configs and CPU overclocks:

Over 24 hours AIDA64 passed at 4.7GHz DDR3-2800 16GB 4x4

Over 24 hours AIDA64 passed at 4.6GHz DDR3-2133 32GB 8X4

4.8GHz DDR3-2400 AIDA 1 Hour - right at the limits of the CPU and cooling

Use this thread to discuss/share results when you get your boards folks 🙂
1,087 REPLIES 1,087

I now know that when I removed my
old 4770K I tried to put the "COVER" on to keep dust off and the COVER did not fit right and bent pins in several
locations, causing the new CPU to not post. My fault but the cover design is really bad.


There are tons of little "Pins" on the dust cover and when I tried to line them up, They dont seem to fit. I dont know what the heck is going on, I hope that this can be fixed. Im going to try to take it to a Jeweler, as they have the magnification and small tools to be able to do something like this.
If they wont do it, then I will go to a PC shop. Darn MB costs 339 new and I cant afford it after being laid off last week.

I will keep you informed of what happens. Thank You !!!

That just down right sucks, I know what it's like being without a pc. After having one it's almost as if you can't be without it, especially a high end pc like you have.

Yes please give an update when you know more.

Karen was able to tell that one of the pins has a HOLE and broke off completely. That means no one can fix it. I have a phone number that I will call tomorrow, that is an asus USA number. All of the service centers they list only work on laptops and are ALL "Walk in support only" and dont except
shipped packages.

If Asus can fix it for 150 bucks, that is better then buying one of the new Asus VII series as after I compared them, Mine blows then out of the
water and Mine costs 339. The to others are not " Formula" like mine, but have other names and I just cant believe this happened.

Thanks Bro !!!!

That is some bad news. if a pin is broke off completely I'm not sure asus can fix it. You may need to purchase a new mother board. Praz, Chino, HiVizMan or anyone with @ASUS in their names would know more about this. Maybe you could start a thread and see what they have to say.

Level 10
I ordered a "Open Box" new VI formula from new egg. As long as I dont open it up, and return it in 30 days, I will get a full refund. There is a chance
that the bent ones can be straighten out and that the broken one, can be redundant or if its one of the ones that is for the ram slots, I can move
my ram to a different slot. I wont know unless I try. With my eyesight, I just cant see well enough to do it myself. I will make some calls tomorrow
to a local pc fix shop and see what they say. The open box was only 30 bucks more then what ASUS said they could fix it for, and I would not have
to wait a long time, as the replacement will be here on Monday. Now If I can get mine fixed well enough to work, then the other can go back.

I found a guy on ebay that would look at it for 30 bucks and in one day, ebay took his site down. Just my luck, its been up now for
over 4 months and just when I needed it, its gone. LOL

The above is the service offered, and it would have been perfect. What Luck I have !!!!

I will call around tomorrow and see what I can do to get mine up and running, if I fail, at least I will have the new MB to use.

This is good news but I have somewhat bad news. I don't think you can update the bios for your 4790k using the ROG connect port. I read a post from praz and he said the update needs to be done with a regular haswell cpu then you install the 4790k. Go to the Must Do's in the maximus VI section that is colored red.

Well if the bios did not accept the new 1505 bios, it would not have flashed for over 30 seconds ??? When it stopped, and I turned on the pc, all I ever received was the 15 21 55 code. The reason was the bent pins and broken pin, but I will let the people at the PC fix it shop know about that.
I have no clue if they even have a cpu that will work with my MB onhand, to be able to do anything. Im very confused about what to do now.
I dont have ANYbody I know that even has a high end pc that lives within driving distance. Most of em only have consoles.

If you already sold your 4770k, a pc shop should be able to update the bios for you.

So I just got the MB back from the PC fix it store, He broke off more pins trying to fix the others, and charged me 15 bucks for my troubles. Oh well, at least it wasnt 60 bucks. I will now just have to wait until this Thursday to receive the new "Open Box" VI Formula I bought and see what kind
of bios it has. Ive called around to all the nearby shops, and no one has a i5 or i7 that will work in a 1150 Socket, so if the new MB I get does not
run the 4790K, I am going to be in BIG trouble. Ive got my fingers crossed, but with the way my luck has been, its hard to have hope, but I wont give
up just yet.

Level 7
Hi all, first of all, sorry for my bad English.
I have a problem with my mother, MVIF, starts normal, the debug shows A0 and suddenly switch to 40 or sometimes 30, but the machine still works well, anyone knows that is?, greetings.