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Maximus VI Formula Discussion Thread

Level 13
Maximus VI Formula Overview and Discussion Thread

The Maximus VI Formula should be available to purchase in a few weeks. A motherboard many have been waiting for, and for good reason. Plenty of cool features on offer, we won't go into them all, but have picked out some of the salient ones for you to check out below:

Board layout and features at a glance:

Gaming Features


The Maximus VI Formula sports a specialized audio solution called SupremeFX. Based on Realtek’s latest ALC1150 chipset, the Cirrus Logic DAC and the TPA6120 headphone amplifier and an optimized PCB layout - isolating PCB layers and spacing sensitive traces away from other areas of the motherboard. Shielding is also utilized to minimize spurious noise from entering signal lines. High quality capacitors are used for power supply decoupling to minimize ripple and provide a low impedance at audio critical frequencies. The end result is a 120dB SNR, placing the Maximus VI Formula's onboard audio solution on par with the best discrete soundcards available.

On the software side, the latest addition to the package is Sonic Radar:

The Sonic Radar GUI

Sonic Radar is a HUD that is useful in FPS games. It shows a visual representation of where sounds are coming from. The location of footsteps, gunshots, explosions and anything else is shown in the 360 degree HUD while gaming:

BF3 – Sonic Radar showing direction of audio effects

The HUD can be made more transparent and its location on the screen changed. Sonic Radar very useful feature when gaming with stereo headsets, where surround effects are simulated and may not be easy to pinpoint.

On the subject of headsets, Perfect Voice has been added to improve the clarity of VOIP calls. It’s a software based filter that uses digital signal processing to remove noise pickup from your mic while making a call:

DSP helps reduce ambient noise for clearer comms

Perfect Voice works with any plug in microphone/headset to clean up voice transmission during calls.


With high density memory modules and kits becoming the norm, many of us have an abundance of free memory on our systems that never gets utilized. ROG RAM Disk has been coded to take advantage of that free space to help speed up the system.


Unlike many free RAM drive tools, ROG RAM DISK has no size limitations – up to 80% of the free memory (not used by the OS) can be configured as a RAM drive.

To get you an idea of how fast a RAM drive is, check the screenshot below:

10000 MB/s sequential write speeds

Applications stored on ROG RAM DISK are written to hard storage (HHD/SSD) when the system is prompted for shutdown.

Of course, re-installing games to the RAM DISK would be a painful experience. That's why ROG RAM DISK has a feature know as Junction Mode.

Setting a junction point to a game folder allows critical game files to be transferred to the RAM DISK without interfering with the original installation. Just point the software at the game folder and it will take care of the rest. This way, critical files such as maps can be accessed directly from the RAM DISK, speeding up load times.

Discussing features is fine, but what really matters for many users in knowing a board can overclock and run stable. How about 24 hour stability testing? Here's a few screenies from JJ, showing the Maximus VI Formula running different memory configs and CPU overclocks:

Over 24 hours AIDA64 passed at 4.7GHz DDR3-2800 16GB 4x4

Over 24 hours AIDA64 passed at 4.6GHz DDR3-2133 32GB 8X4

4.8GHz DDR3-2400 AIDA 1 Hour - right at the limits of the CPU and cooling

Use this thread to discuss/share results when you get your boards folks 🙂
1,087 REPLIES 1,087

Hello everyone...

I've been a very happy MF6 owner the past 5 months... But recently I've had a few issues, and I wonder if someone could shed some light on these issues... (been searching the net and this forum, not finding any spot on description or solution)

First off... Bios 1505 has been a miss for me, I realize I have a non-k CPU... But I've had no issues on 1402 Bios.
Issue is simple, on 1402 I can easily get my 4770T CPU to idle at 800Mhz, non-turbo to 2500Mhz and Turbo to 3700Mhz on ALL four cores
with 1505 it will only do 3100Mhz Turbo. Even when everything is set manually(auto as well). I've tried all possible settings without any luck.

After updating to 1505, I've also has issues with rebooting (Clicking restart in Win8.1) and simply says restarting, shuts down, and doesn't boot again. Black screen, I have to manually trigger the reset/power button to boot again... This did not happen on 1402 before.

Very well, so I downgraded back to 1402, and CPU clocks are working again, turbo'ing to 3700Mhz on all four cores. BUT... The reboot issue is still there 😞 Any ideas?

And finally, I have 8 SATA devices connected, hence I neeed to use 2 of the Asmedia 106x ports. My harddrives connected to these ports randomly drops from the system. Windows log states 'Drive has been surprise removed' for both of them 😞 This last issue I've had earlier, but over the past 2 months I've had no issues... The issue returned after updating to 1505, and is still there again downgrading to 1402...

In short... 1505 introduced 3 problems for me.

1. Turbo to 3700Mhz in all cores gone
2. Not able to reboot/restart correctly
3. Random Asmedia 106x drops

Downgrading to 1402 fixed the first issue, but the 2 other issue remains, and has made my kinda sad the past 2 days 😞

Any suggestions/ideas?

Be noted system has been very/extremely stable and working excellent for a loooooong period.


Intel Core i7 4770T (2.5Ghz/3.7Ghz)
Corsair H100i
Asus Maximus VI Formula (Bios 1402 (1505)
32GB Corsair Vengeance Pro DDR3-1600Mhz
Gigabyte nVidia GeForce GTX 770 4GB Windforce
1x Samsung 840 EVO 750GB
4x Seagate 4TB 5900rpm disks
2x Hitachi 4TB 7200rpm disks
1x Pioneer BD-202 drive
Corsair AX860 PSU
Win8.1 Pro x64


i have problems aswell, i have just installed my new i7 4790K. and the PC does not even boot up? i am running BIOS 1402.
Is there anyway of updating the bios to the 1505 ?

Any ideas anyone ?

ERTUS wrote:

i have problems aswell, i have just installed my new i7 4790K. and the PC does not even boot up? i am running BIOS 1402.
Is there anyway of updating the bios to the 1505 ?

Any ideas anyone ?


What error code does you board give you? (on the LED diagnostic panel, placed on the board?)

As far as I can tell, it's possible you've fallen into the technology gap (as I like to call it), the pit where Z87 Bios doesn't support 4790K yet and the Z97 equivelant isn't released yet(M7F)...

1402 BIOS does state support for 4th gen CPU's... BUT!!!!

The first mention of Devils Canyon CPU's is in 1504 Beta and 1505 Bios... As I see it you have 3 possible solutions;

1. Borrow a 4770 or smaller/older(please look at the CPU support list for the M6F board and Bios 1402) CPU and update bios before using your 4790K...
2. Return you M6F(Z87 based) and go for a Z97 Asus ROG(Hero/Ranger or so) board...
3. Wait for the M7F to be released(Z97)...


my board boots , 00 is the error code.
i am running the 1402 bios on it, i will have to borrow an i7 4770 from work because i sold my i7 4770K.. and then update it to the latest one, hopefully it will work after that.


HI guys, i have installed a i7 4570 , still no luck, i get an error message when i try and install the intel management engine. i need that first installed before i can update to the i7 4790K.

Any hints on installing the IME, with out errors?

Well IME can be annoying at times...

try this one -> (should be the latest version)

HammerDown wrote:
Well IME can be annoying at times...

try this one -> (should be the latest version)

thanks mate, this is the error code i get

2014:07:03 04:07:13:827:
2014:07:03 04:07:13:827: >>> Log start
2014:07:03 04:07:13:827: Single-instance mutex has been obtained
2014:07:03 04:07:13:827: Core version: 2.5.34
2014:07:03 04:07:13:827: Setup version:
2014:07:03 04:07:13:827: Command line: "E:\MEI1.5M_Win7-8-8-1_V10001204\Install\SetupME.exe"
2014:07:03 04:07:13:827: OS data: 6-1-1-1 64-bit
2014:07:03 04:07:13:827: System up time: 25 sec
2014:07:03 04:07:13:827: Reboot pending: No
2014:07:03 04:07:13:827: Current UI language: 0409
2014:07:03 04:07:13:827: Language folder: C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp
2014:07:03 04:07:13:843: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\ar-SA\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0401. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:843: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\cs-CZ\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0405. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:843: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\da-DK\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0406. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:843: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\de-DE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0407. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:843: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\el-GR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0408. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:858: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\en-US\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0409. Rank 3
2014:07:03 04:07:13:858: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\es-ES\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0C0A. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:858: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\fi-FI\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040B. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:858: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\fr-FR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040C. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:858: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\he-IL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040D. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:874: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\hu-HU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 040E. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:874: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\it-IT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0410. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:874: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\ja-JP\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0411. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:874: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\ko-KR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0412. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:889: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\nb-NO\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0414. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:889: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\nl-NL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0413. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:905: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\pl-PL\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0415. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:905: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\pt-BR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0416. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:905: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\pt-PT\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0816. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:905: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\ru-RU\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0419. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:905: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\sk-SK\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041B. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:905: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\sl-SI\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0424. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:921: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\sv-SE\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041D. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:921: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\th-TH\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041E. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:921: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\tr-TR\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 041F. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:921: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\zh-CN\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0804. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:921: Found C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp\zh-TW\IntelCommon.dll. Lang 0404. Rank 0
2014:07:03 04:07:13:921: Loading language 0409
2014:07:03 04:07:14:030: Setup mode: Installation
2014:07:03 04:07:14:030: Preparing to check for Kernal Mode Driver Framework 1.11 or higher
2014:07:03 04:07:14:030: KMDF 1.11 or higher detected!
2014:07:03 04:07:14:030: .NET version check passed
2014:07:03 04:07:14:030: Looking for OS: 5.1 5.2 6.1 6.2 6.3
2014:07:03 04:07:14:030: OS check passed
2014:07:03 04:07:14:030: .NET version check passed
2014:07:03 04:07:14:030: Resolving driver source
2014:07:03 04:07:14:030: Using embedded driver(s). Temp source is 'C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF65A5.tmp'
2014:07:03 04:07:14:404: Using folder 'C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF65A5.tmp' as the driver source
2014:07:03 04:07:14:404: Scanning all active devices
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Scanning heci.inf (Name: HECI, Version:
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Section with the best match: Intel.NTamd64.6.1
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1E3A (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1CBA (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C3A (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1DBA (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1D3A (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8C3A (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9C3A (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8D3A (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8CBA (Intel(R) Management Engine Interface )
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: MUP OS bits: 0x3FFFE
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: E Win32 exception occurred!!
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Error code: 0x4E24 (20004)
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Error text: ''
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Extended error text: 'Error in device matching'
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Debug info: 'Setup.cpp (230)'
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Reading storyboard
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Page count: 7
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Added: Welcome
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Added: Modify
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Added: License
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Added: Destination
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Added: Progress
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Added: Finish
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Added: Error
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: Reading string map
2014:07:03 04:07:14:420: No string map present
2014:07:03 04:07:14:716: Showing page: Error
2014:07:03 04:07:22:672: Link: Launching 'C:\Users\Aleks\Intel\Logs'
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: Dumping properties (31 total)
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_MSILOGLEVEL=4096
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: ME_WMI_STATE=0
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: ME_LMS_STATE=1
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: ME_NAC_STATE=1
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: ME_IMSS_STATE=0
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: ME_IFR_STATE=1
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: ME_ICLS_STATE=1
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: ME_TC_STATE=1
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: ME_VCCRT_STATE=1
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: ME_DAL_STATE=1
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: ME_IFROPTOUT=0
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_NOPRUNE=1
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_NOMSITRANSACTIONS=1
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_LOGFOLDER=C:\Users\Aleks\Intel\Logs
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_SETUPVERSION=
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_PACKAGEVERSION=
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_SETUPPATH=E:\MEI1.5M_Win7-8-8-1_V10001204\Install
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_CACHELOC=C:\ProgramData\Intel\Package Cache\{1CEAC85D-2590-4760-800F-8DE5E91F3700}
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_OS=6.1
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_OSSERVICEPACK=1
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_IS64=1
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_NET20=1
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_NET30=1
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_NET35=1
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_INSTALLFOLDER=C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_LANGCOUNTRY=en-US
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_RESOURCEFOLDER=C:\Users\Aleks\AppData\Local\Temp\IIF64DA.tmp
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_SETUPMODE=INSTALL
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_EXITCODE=20004
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_LICENSE=
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: IIF_README=
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: Exit code (command line): 1603
2014:07:03 04:08:13:669: >>> Log End

HammerDown wrote:

What error code does you board give you? (on the LED diagnostic panel, placed on the board?)

As far as I can tell, it's possible you've fallen into the technology gap (as I like to call it), the pit where Z87 Bios doesn't support 4790K yet and the Z97 equivelant isn't released yet(M7F)...

1402 BIOS does state support for 4th gen CPU's... BUT!!!!

The first mention of Devils Canyon CPU's is in 1504 Beta and 1505 Bios... As I see it you have 3 possible solutions;

1. Borrow a 4770 or smaller/older(please look at the CPU support list for the M6F board and Bios 1402) CPU and update bios before using your 4790K...
2. Return you M6F(Z87 based) and go for a Z97 Asus ROG(Hero/Ranger or so) board...
3. Wait for the M7F to be released(Z97)...

WHY couldnt I have read this 6 hours earlier !!!!! I know I upgraded my bios and chipset a few weeks ago, but I just sold my i7 4770K on ebay and tomorrow I will order the new 4790K from newegg. Sucks that Micro Center is 3 hours away as they have them for 279 plus tax.

EDIT I received the new 4790K and was able to flash my bios with the 1505 extended bios. My codes are 15 21 55 and the DRAM light is always on. I did a switch of the mem and took them out and re installed and did the Mem OK
button so that the mem check ran three cycles of 15 21 55 and then stops at 55. my gskill trident 2400C10D may be the problem but I just dont know. Ive tried everything I know how to do and am now stuck and need some advice as to what to do now ? Thanks for any advice.

2nd final edit. I will now go to the Maximus VI Formula area to post, but I now know that when I removed my
old 4770K I tried to put the "COVER" on to keep dust off and the COVER did not fit right and bent pins in several
locations, causing the new CPU to not post. My fault but the cover design is really bad.

Level 10
Well I opened up the CPU and I had several bent pins. I cant see well enough to do anything so I had my wife try. Ended up with the 55 again.
I will take the MB out and bring it to a shop and see if they can salvage it for me. I have built 7 pc's and have NEVER bent a pin before, never mind several here and there. Just my bad luck... Oh well. Thank you Nate for suggesting I take the cpu out and check. Saved a lot of time.

Thank You for your help.38706

You're welcome Mike, Sorry to hear you couldn't fix the pins but better to have a shop fix them then possibly damage more of them. I can see at least 2 of them out of whack on the top right side. I wish your motherboard a speedy recovery from the surgeon.

How many pins did it look like were bent?