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Maximus V Gene BIOS-ONLY chassis fan control for 3-pin? Min RPMs?

Level 9

I will be using the Maximus V Gene mb for a hackintosh project.

Now, Fan Xpert software is obviously not accessible in OS X. So I am limited to BIOS-only fan control.

Given that, does the MVG BIOS allow for RPM control of 3-pin fans (chassis)? I know the CPU headers are PWM-only, not asking about that. Specifically, I am hoping that the manual q-fan setting is possible for 3-pin chassis fans.

Also, I saw somewhere that min fan speed in BIOS is artificially set to 60% - is that still true, or has it been fixed in the most recent BIOS?

Final question - if, one day, I did install Windows, would any settings I make in Fan Xpert 2 apply to the firmware of the board, i.e., would they "stick" if I booted into OS X, or would they only apply *while* Windows was running?

Thanks in advance for anyone who can answer these questions!


Actually, the PWM fans can go as low as 20% according to the manual, which I should've directed you to in the first place!

Actually, I had read the manual, don't know how I missed that. 😛

Looking again, I see that CPU Q-fan (PWM) lower limit is 20%... but chassis minimum is ZERO percent (PWM)! Actually makes a lot of sense to me, essentially it's allowing you to keep certain fans off completely unless temps rise – nice!

Thanks for your help, I now have a better idea of which fans I will be wanting to buy.


The manual is wrong. Entering a value lower than 60 for 'Min. Duty Cycle' gives the error 'Invalid Input Range'.

Good luck with your setup!

auto-detuner wrote:
The manual is wrong. Entering a value lower than 60 for 'Min. Duty Cycle' gives the error 'Invalid Input Range'.

Good luck with your setup!

Wait, I'm a little confused (my fault I'm sure). Let's start over and be very explicit.

CPU PWM fans can be set as low as 20% in BIOS (like the manual says). True or false?

3-pin fans connected to 4-pin chassis headers can be set in BIOS to no lower than 60% (not mentioned in the manual). T/F?

PWM fans connected to 4-pin chassis headers can be set in BIOS as low as you want (like the manual says). T/F?

Oh, I was speaking of 3-pin fans. Unfortunately I can't test a PWM fan without disassembling half my system (it's a very tight fit!), but I assume and expect the answer to all 3 of your questions is 'true'.

Understood. I appreciate all your help.

I'll post photos next month once it's all put together! 😄

Excellent. I'll look for it! (My comment is 70% sincere, and 30% to increase post count). 😄

Update: finished my build, but I am disappointed to find that contrary to the manual, even PWM fans can be set no lower than 60% for the Chassis headers. This is obviously a bug or oversight and means the extra money I spent for PWM was wasted (not a huge amount of money, but still...). So my fans which should get down to 500 RPM (silent) can only go down to about 900 RPM (quiet). ASUS, please fix this in the next BIOS revision! :confused:

The CPU headers will go down to 20% on PWM fans, so at least that works correctly.

I have an Asus H370-I where I use AIO_PUMP fan connector for a 3-pin fan. I am not allowed to go lower than 60% load - I'm getting that invalid input error if I try to go lower. I remember that the same was for the CHA_FAN but after pressing the Optimize All fan section button the configured values go way lower than 60% till about 17%. Also I noticed that if I'm using the drag & drop feature of that fan control chart I am allowed to set a load less than 60% (e.g. 30%); the AIO_PUMP is not listed as an option for that chart (at least for a 3 pin connector) so I can't play with the chart for it.

I confirm that with a PWM fan I have more control - I can get 20% load.