06:24 PM
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09:40 PM
07-12-2012 12:42 PM
ced1903 wrote:
However, all people who have ordered before yesterday get the MVF =>209€ but maybe a part of them don't receive their MVF quickly !!!
07-12-2012 12:42 PM
ced1903 wrote:
Care !!! i'm french, i called them this afternoon, and they said me they will receive, monday, 17 MVF, so the 17 first person who have order will receive their MVF quickly.
However, all people who have ordered before yesterday get the MVF =>209€ but maybe a part of them don't receive their MVF quickly !!!
(sorry if it's hard to read me ^^)
07-12-2012 12:50 PM
soeviper wrote:
so u mean u have the information that they have more preorders then mainboards will arrive ?! Or has it to do with the price ?! i had the bad idea that ldlc.com could act like this... every preorderer who just payed 209€ will not get the mvf quickly, that makes us wait and maybe cancel the order, so they wont loose money :S ?!
Tyrus Ashkar wrote:
Your ordering statut have changing ??
Mine his always the same ...
07-12-2012 12:11 PM
ced1903 wrote:
AVAILABLE ON THE 16/07/2012 : http://www.ldlc.com/fiche/PB00133274.html
07-12-2012 05:03 PM
CptCarnage wrote:
Guess you are in the same boat I'm in, it just sucks that it went up on newegg.ca a day later AFTER I preorderd from NCIX. Now they are giving me the runaround on availability information.
Anyone running a midtower with the formula V btw? I've got a friend looking at getting one but he's bawlking at the stepup to fulltower size
07-12-2012 08:12 AM
07-12-2012 09:32 AM
zk1mpls wrote:
Awesome then. 😄
Anybody seen MeanBruce at all today? Dude's been practically one of the most active posters as of late over here, but suddenly has gone AWOL. I wonder if he got a Maximus V Extreme from Newegg...
07-12-2012 09:40 AM
kkn wrote:
i guess he quit this tread becouse some one was acting like a 12 year old ( not him but some one else )
07-12-2012 09:33 AM
zk1mpls wrote:
Awesome then. 😄
Anybody seen MeanBruce at all today? Dude's been practically one of the most active posters as of late over here, but suddenly has gone AWOL. I wonder if he got a Maximus V Extreme from Newegg...
07-12-2012 12:16 PM
zk1mpls wrote:
Awesome then. 😄
Anybody seen MeanBruce at all today? Dude's been practically one of the most active posters as of late over here, but suddenly has gone AWOL. I wonder if he got a Maximus V Extreme from Newegg...