06:24 PM
- last edited on
09:40 PM
07-13-2012 05:46 PM
MeanBruceROG wrote:
Ok Sam, you get your board tomorrow, and then lets see some photos!
back to my slow build, like molasses and honey.
07-13-2012 05:59 PM
07-13-2012 06:38 PM
07-13-2012 09:07 PM
MeanBruceROG wrote:
I got an overnight from Wed 6pm and still took 2 days, Newegg must be a day behind for the east coast.
07-13-2012 02:55 PM
SuperS2k wrote:
What CPU cooler is that you're using.
07-13-2012 12:37 PM
07-13-2012 03:38 PM
Tyrus Ashkar wrote:
cwachter wrote:
Hey Bruce, What kind of cable sleeving is that? I love the red, and have been trying to find a place to order some. I'm in the U.S., and the only place I know of is in the UK. Also, do you need special tools to put the sleeving on?
07-13-2012 04:22 PM
07-13-2012 11:37 PM
soeviper wrote:
@the french friends who ordered like me at ldlc.com (Tyrus, Ced...).
when we ordered we ordered the thunder FX version of the mvf. It wasnt mentioned in the name of the artice, but in the describsion.
Now they devided it into two version(like it is everywhere else) and the ThunderFX version is "IN STOCK" !!! So we will get the normal version ?! did someone ask about that ? Do u have infos about that point ? IMAO its not a big tragedy if they give us the normal version 90€ cheaper :D:D, but how do u think about it ??!! 😃
07-14-2012 12:56 AM
ced1903 wrote:
Hi !
Sorry i haven't any information about this, but, yesterday, i got some good information :
LDLC receive MVF Friday and the first will be send monday (mine will be send monday ^^) !!!
i asked "but it is not in stock" and she answer me : "yeah but we receive this morning and on my screen i can see all articles in your order is in stock so your order will be prepare and send monday"