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Maximus V Formula- SandyBridge SLI + phyx card

Level 7
So tonight i have been searching forums and tech sites, and i cannot find an answer. i currently have Sli in my system and i want to add a dedicated phyx card to my computer. Im not sure if its possible to use the third pci-e Slot while using sandybridge, i have tried to use one slot in the third pci slot and there is no video output. i have had the first pci-e slot plugged in and my second card in the third slot (no sli bridge connected) and windows does not see it as being plugged in. I can only assume the SB does not support the use of the third pci-e slot. Could it also be possible that my third pci slot is broken and should i contact asus for repair?

My computer spec:
Asus Maximus v Formula
Intel i7 2700k
2x nvidia 970 gtx
1 660ti