Hi skywalkgr, welcome to ASUS ROG and καλημέρα :).
Remove your mainboard from your case, put it in the box that came in after you have remove all the components on it, including CPU and make a good inspection of the pins of the soket 1155. Check if you have any bent pins.
If not, install only one dimm of RAM and your CPU and connect your monitor to the mainboard graphics output. Also check that the switch and the jumper of LN2 and Slow boot are in OFF position.After this try to boot and if yes, check the BIOS revision and what is the reported model of CPU and frequency by the BIOS.
Next step to take is to switch Bios. Yoyr motherboard has two chips for BIOS. To the down far right corner there is the switch. Press it and reboot. If mainboard POST, case solved.
If you still can't boot, download the latest BIOS file, (1707). Also download the BIOS Renamer Utility. Unzip the BIOS file and the renamer utility and put them in the same folder. Run the renamer and it will make a file M5E.CAP.
Transfer it to a FAT32 stick. Remove the power from the board and the battery and press the CLEAR CMOS BUTTON for a few seconds. Install battery and power, and with the computer off put the stick in the white USB (ROG USB port in the back). Now press the ROG button, (not the CLEAR CMOS). When you see a light start flashing, release the button and let the BIOS to be flahed. During this you don't see anything. Just wait for the flash light to stop flashing. Press the start button to boot.
Don't try to press DEL as soon as you see ROG LOGO. Wait for the board to POST and try to enter OS or report some failure of the BIOS and ask to press F1 to enter BIOS. Report back your progress.