Hey everyone,
I recently bought a M6E board for the purpose of doing 4 way graphics config. However, i'm noticing that for the very last pcie slot the very last slot on the board, I can't seem to get any card to click in because all the header connectors and io connectors are blocking from sitting in place. Does anybody have a workaround? For example, I have a 290x tri x from sapphire which I want to test before I add it to my loop and I can't seem to get it to click securely in place b/c of the header connections. I have not tried seeing if it would work when on a block, maybe because of the girth of the tri x cooler it is not working? Also currently I have 3 way crossfire with the 290x's and do you think it would help if I plug in the pcie power connector? In the manual it says it is required only for 4 gpus, but thought I would ask. Thanks!