fully stable with no issues so far! I've been jumping through clocks all evening, made it crash a few times at borderline stable 5.1GHz, jumped through clocks more, in the end Loaded Defaults and NOTHING is wrong with BIOS settings (unlike in 1309-1604 BIOSes that corrupt CMOS eventually).
BIG thanks to Peter (Shamino) for this BIOS update!
this BIOS is what I call a piece of solid programming with excellent fail-safes, I bow my head before you Shamino, buddy you saved the day again
🙂My Testing pattern that cannot survive with 1309-1604 BIOS on MVE (CMOS gets corrupted eventually):
daily 4.9GHz on offset (stable)
fixed vcore 5.0GHz (stable)
fixed vcore 5.1GHz (crashes after a few benchmarks in SLI mode)
offset 4.7GHz (usually already corrupted on <1604 BIOS)
again fixed 5.0Ghz (usually already corrupted on 1604 BIOS)
back down to offset 4.8Ghz
Loading Optimized Defaults (always a severe CMOS corruption on 1309-1604 BIOSes)
1707, passed my testing with flying colors and maintained full CPU stability (no WHEA warnings, just expected crash at 5.1GHz eventually LOL) at all relevant steps
😄 ... my hand didn't even have to go near the CMOS Clear button
😄 ... finally ... what a relief
.: R3C0NF1GUR3D :.ASUS MVE :: 3770K bench @ 5.2GHz (delidded) :: 2x4GB Mushkin 996990 @ 2400MHz CL10 @ 1.7V :: evga 670 2GB SLI @ 1280/7108 :: Mushkin Chronos 240GB SSD RAID0 (OS) :: WD RE4 2TB (storage) 2TB :: Hitachi Deskstar 5K300 2TB (backup USB3.0) :: ASUS VG248QE 24'' 144Hz monitor
My rig with pictures"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle