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Linx vs. Prime95

Level 9
Hi all.

I just wanted to let you know what my experience is with Prime95 and Linx.

Its because other users in here including a great ROG buddy "Halloweenweed" are saying that LinX is the best AND are getting hottest.

I dont agree on that at all.

First when running a very high overclock I often get a "OK / PASS" on Linx but BSOD system crash on Prime95. Thats why I ALWAYS make Prime95 pass! Then with NO doubt Linx also will pass.

Second. Running a successfull test in Linx requires one or two step lesser in voltage than Prime95. Again because Linx dosent stress as much as Prime95.

So this is just a recommendation to ALL who ONLY run LINX and "think" they have a stable settings. Try running Prime95 and see if that setting WILL pass on Prime95. The only thing to remember is use this setting, which is the most through:


Level 7
Prime95 is total garbage.

JJ himself recommended Aida64 because ASUS works very closely with Aida to make the best stress test possible. Aida supports the new SandyBridge-E processor which means it supports the new instruction sets. Aida tests not just the CPU but all the other critical components in your system.

Heat is not the only thing you need to test. you need to test all aspects of your system because it may be stable in ONE aspect, but may not be in others. so when you run ur stress test, if it only tests the "stable" part, your system is not truly stable. because it will crash when you try to use the other parts that ur stress testing program did not test.

Aida64 FTW

Level 12
Although I agree that Aida64 is the best all around Burn In testing for the X79 platform (also the best source of hardware monitoring and hardware information), I do understand what lassek is saying. Many folks rely on LinX to determine stability, and often times Prime95 with the large FFT setting can error out a sytem otherwise shown stable under LinX.

I wouldn't call Prime95's just another tool to use. Personally, to test stability I run up the chain of difficulty one step at a time. Prime95 Blend, LinX, Prime95 Large FFT, and then Aida64 Stress Test (Burn in). The reason I never shoot straight for Aida64 stability is that I document stability at each step for each OC so I know what I will be able to do with each OC. For example, if I'm just benching I know I can get away with an OC that's just Prime stable. Or if I want to game at max overclock I want an OC that is LinX or Prime large FFT stable. But if I want an OC that is rock stable 24/7 than I might look for Aida64 stable.

I would agree with Mines that Aida64 is the best stress test for a truly stable OC. But the original poster is accurate in pointing out that Prime large FFT can bring down a system otherwise LinX stable.

Oh and another thing.. just dl´ed AIDA.. It dosent even show 6 cores only 4 in temp and monitor statistics and stuff and thats in the latest beta version. So I guess its not THAT X79 SB-E compatible or the program is just not updated in thoose corners..

How long do u run a stability test in AIDA anyway ?

yes, i agree. Prime95 can be used as another tool. and fine, i will take back my statement about it being total junk. but to me its like applying brute force to ur computer and seeing if it works or not. it doesnt do a "proper" test.

as for 6 cores, there is a setting that u can change to see the temperature of all 6 cores. i hope it works for you.

Ohh I see.. I will add next time! 😉

BUT a stress test.. does it end after some time? OR only when I say STOP. ?

Level 9
@ MDZCPA +1 !

I have never tried AIDA64 and will look into it.. But like mdzcpa says I wouldnt call Prime junk... In fact IF I make a Prime95 pass = Then i have NEVER NEVER found myself unstable at ANY other task, game or instruction. . . . .

But for the fun of it I will def. look into AIDA also.. I havent tried it before..

Level 7
i think only when you stop it. im not sure on that.

Level 12
A system is stable when it runs teh programmes you are gonna use it for stable!!!!!!!!!!!!! i.e without crashing. All these programmes are just another stress test. I am not saying I dont yse em but many are getting hooked on these its time and power wasting. Use your PC for what you use it for. Thats the stability level you require.

Just my 2 cents here but I have yet to find any stress test that will tell if the computer is 100% stable. And what most say is prime stable (10 passes) will quite often fail when folding at 100% 24/7 , The rigs that will pass linx 10 pass on max setting will also fail occasionally when folding 24/7 but less often than a prime stable rig. Actually the only test I have found for determining 100% stability is 24/7 folding.

Folding Rigs
SuperMicro 4 - H8QGi-F 4P - Opteron 6190 @ 3Ghz
ASUS 2 - P6X58D-E, i7-980X @ 4.5Ghz
ASUS P6P6X58D-E, i7-970 @ 4.375Ghz
ASUS Rampage III Gene , i7-970 @ 4.4Ghz
ASUS Rampage II Gene , i7-970 @ 4.4Ghz
ASUS Maximus IV Extreme-Z , i7-2700K @ 4.8Ghz, ASUS Matrix GTX 580
ASUS G73JH Laptop i7-740QM