My new system setup is going OK. On the setup disc that comes with the ASUS Maximus vii Hero motherboard, one of the drivers on the list one can install is the Intel Graphics Accelerator Driver.
I sure wish someone can tell me if this is needed, why it is needed, under what circumstances, etc. I have not been able to find such information so far on the internet. I just hate to install a driver unless I know why I am doing it and what is its purpose. Do I need to install it? Is it only used for the onboard video? Does it work with all video to accomplish some improvement of some sort?
Or what?
Right now I am just using the onboard video and will switch to my EVG Geoforce GTX 760 after I have established a good working base. There will be drivers for this board to install.
Any ideas or facts would be soooo great.
Thanks much, rajkirk